Crow Hassen Park Preserve ( St Michael,MN)

  • super_do
    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1093

    I am trying to get an outdoor archery range put into Crow Hassen Park Preserve near St Michael,MN. I emailed the park and got a response saying that it wasn’t in the master plan at this time, but they would be reviewing the plan late summer 2008. She said it would not be out of the question to put a range in, but would depend on public interest. If any of you guys in the area would like to see a range here, please email Jean Backstrom @ [email protected] and let her know there is some interest!


    Super Do

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Tell me where to take this………………………

    Thank you for your interest in new developement in the Park District. Since you live in Hanover, I’m guessing that Crow-Hassan Park Reserve is the park you are referring to.

    I have not heard of any plans for an archery range in Crow-Hassan at this time. We are planning a new archery range for Carver Park Reserve, and of course we do have one currently in Elm Creek Park Reserve.

    Would you mind letting me know where you heard this discussion? I wonder if we need to follow up somewhere with correct information.

    If I can help you any further, please let me know.

    Thank you,
    Jean Backstrom
    Park Guest Services
    Three Rivers Park District

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1093

    Below is the reply I received from Jean. I got this from her late last fall and because she told me in the response that they wouldn’t be updating the master plan until fall 2008, I figured I would wait until now to try and get some interest right before they update it.

    Thank you for taking the time to contact us about archery at Crow-Hassan
    Park Reserve. I checked with our development group and was told that an
    archery range is not in the Master Plan for that park at this time.

    However, the Master Plan for this park will likely be updated sometime
    next year. At that time, Three Rivers Park District will consider
    additional recreational amenities such as archery for the park reserve
    based on demand, park intent, existing facilities, and other planning

    Public input is considered during this process and it is standard
    practice for the first draft of the master plan to be placed on Three
    Rivers Park District’s website for public review and comment. We hope
    to have that draft completed by fall 2008.

    Jean Backstrom
    Park Guest Services
    Three Rivers Park District

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