Need suggestions for a riflescope

  • 2jranch
    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 851

    I have a 30-06, Model 4, used mainly for deer gun season. I have had a Bushnell Banner Light Sight on it for years. But due to having reached the 50+ young club, and having lost my left eye…….I am in need of a new scope that gives me maximum light, field of view, magnification and clarity possible. I have been reading everything I can….but as usual, any site claims that thier product is the best and will do it all. I’m just looking for some info from the brain pool here in IDO.

    Thanks, June

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    Well like anything you get what you pay for. But I think you can find some decent glass without spending a fortune. What type of terrain and distances are you hunting? Do you push the envelope for early morning and late day times? I took a round of abuse from guys in my group for putting a 3×9 Tasco on my old 30.06 years ago instead of big $$ on a Leupold. But for how and where I use it the $129 vs $479 at the time made sense. It gathers plenty of light and the optics are clear. I also put a Cabelas brand on a .243 and it has been flawless.

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 851

    Well, the farmland around here is pretty hilly…….fields on top, wooded sidehills. I’m always the first one in the stand…at least 1/2 hr before daylight, and the last one to come in at night. But that doesn’t mean I shoot at first light or the last one to shoot. I know my limitations, and I always want a good clean kill. From my stand, on the field edge, I can shoot from 20yds to 400 yds……the last buck I dropped was at 265yds. And I think a lot of luck was involved with that shot.
    I just want a greater light gathering capability to give me every edge I can get.

    Thanks for the input.

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    Burris and Nikon have great quality glass and scopes and both are priced very reasonable. I have a Burris and love it!

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