Hunter Education Classes

  • martin_vrieze
    Posts: 484


    Those of you with kids that need to take Hunter Education in MN need to get your kids signed up NOW!!!
    …go to Safety and Education link

    We need to get as many kids involved in the sport as we can…our numbers are shrinking and our political clout along with it.

    The kids hold the key to hunting’s future.

    Pope County, MN
    Posts: 54

    My son is signed up for the firearm safety class however he will not be done in time to go turkey hunting. He will be 12 in the middle of March so I had to go with the hunter apprentice program. FYI if anyone else is in the same boat. If you need more info just let me know!!

    NW Metro
    Posts: 238

    I don’t think there is a minimum age for turkey hunting so your son should be fine. My 7 year old drew a tag this year.

    Pope County, MN
    Posts: 54

    There is not a min age to draw a tag but if they are 12 or over they need a gun safety cert.

    Posts: 9301

    That’s why I can’t figure out our dnr. You can hunt small game, ducks, turkeys and I believe pheasants at any age, but as soon as you turn 12 you need a certificate. By the time my son turns 12 he will have been hunting for 4 years. Why not allow them to take the class at any age?
    Why I’m at it, why be 12 to hunt deer. I have many videos of kids who are 8 shooting deer in texas. It all comes down to training.

    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 154

    i just got a buddy of mine signed up for the class this year in Annandale. he asked me if i would be able to get him set up this year and i said sure, get signed up, and i’ll get you the gear. he is 17…lol but he wants to at least try it, and hopefully i can get him in a spot to get a shot

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