Albino twins

  • coppertop
    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Just recieved these via email today from a hunting friend in NW MN. These are supposedly taken in Karlstad, MN but who knows as pics and stories circulate and change daily. Had to put these in the general discussion vs. deer hunting cuz I’d rather see these guys at a feeder than in a freezer. Quite the feeder, didn’t know Browning was into them too!

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    i bet i can tell you where those deer are going to be next firearm season….rhymes with freezer

    st cloud,mn
    Posts: 1571

    Some neat lookin animals..must have been a mass e-mail cause they landed on my computer as well..They would be nice to have comin to your feeder every night.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Great pictures! Thanks for sharing coppertop!

    Posts: 15


    i bet i can tell you where those deer are going to be next firearm season….rhymes with freezer

    We cannot shot Albino deer here in Wisconsin. Not a true albino that is. I think they are neat deer. Nice Pics

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    yes but this picture is from MN. No rules here about shooting albino’s

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 18

    I see my photos of the albino twins get around the web!The photos were taken in my back yard in Wahkon Mn. The albino twins have been coming to my back yard since 2006. Back then they were only 6 months old. These photos were taken January 18, 2008. It’s hard to believe the twins are still coming to my feeder today!

    I made the feeder and entered it at They have an online contest called “Show Us Your Buck Mark”.The feeder is made out of metal,has a cover on the top antler for filling, and holds 50# of corn. The corn gravity feeds down to the tray at the bottom.You can even vote on it! (hint,hint)
    The twins were featured on TV.”On The Road” with Jason Davis
    did a segment on the twins from my home. The feeder is only 40 feet from my patio door so the film crew was able to get some great footage. You can go to if you’d like to see the TV segment.

    Although I’d probably be the first hunter to ever harvest two albinos at one time, the look on my grand daughters face when she sees the twins keeps me from doing so. This may be hard for the younger hunters to understand but for the hunters with children or grand children, I think they know where I’m coming from.

    Those babies are lucky too! By passing them up on opening day 2007,I was rewarded with a 10 point 210# buck! Good albinos. Gooood albinos!


    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Tim thanks for explaining your photo and welcome to IDO!

    The Jason Davis story was also nice. What a pleasure to be able to witness those albino deer night after night. I truly understand that they are special and deserve to wander free without harm.

    P.S. I casted my vote- 5 stars for you!

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 18

    Thanks for your vote! It is nice to see the albinos but as far seeing them protected against hunting, that’s another story.
    There is a petition at the Capital to outlaw the hunting of albino deer in Mille Lacs County. I don’t see the need for it.
    There is a small population of albino whitetails already living in the Father Hennipen State Park in Isle Mn. The park rules of no hunting protects them enough. If it didn’t, you wouldn’t see other albinos in the Isle/Wahkon area like the ones that come to my house.

    Not only are the albinos nice for my grand daughter to see, I think it would be nice for a young hunter to be able to harvest one if given the chance.

    Hunters today are faced with enough restrictions. The protection of the State Park rules should be enough for the people that want them protected. When one of those albinos or it’s offspring wanders out of bounds, some lucky hunter gets the deer of a lifetime. That’s the way it is now, and that’s the way it should stay.

    Sorry but one more thing, congrats to Mary Rakotz on harvesting that 6 point albino buck in Mille Lacs County during the 2007 gun season. I’m sorry to hear you had to disconnect your phone because of all the threats. It should of been your time to shine and be noticed in a positive way.

    It really takes a brainless person to threaten a deer
    hunter. Especially a hunter thats a good shot.


    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Welcome to In-Depth Outdoors Tim!!!

    Great pics I gave you 5 stars also

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Tim, Looks like your pics have made it full circle!

    Central Minnesota
    Posts: 18

    Thanks for voting on my Browning feeder. If anyone is interested, the crappies are starting to bite fairly well. I was out this morning in Wahkon Bay and caught five nice ones. The smallest was 12 inches and the biggest was 15 inches which is a personal best for me. Normally Isle Bay is the crappie hole but I’ve seen really nice ones come out of Wahkon this year. From 5-7 feet deep between Walleye Dundee’s Resort and the first island is were to fish.I used a red glow jig with a crappie minnow and fished about two feet below the ice. Good Luck and here’s a photo of the fish I caught this morning.


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