Expanded metal on deer stands??

  • birddog
    Posts: 1957

    Just a thought…I have 2 (2 person)ladder stands. One is a cheapie, the other more expensive. The cheapie was my first, great stand till it gets cold. Once the metal gets cold the expanded metal seat and floor are terribly LOUD. So, I went out and spent more on a different make that claims “silent”…same thing…loud, man was I PO’d! Do you guys have the same issue?? I just got done (last night) grinding EVERY tack weld and every square inch of expanded metal off both stands. I’m going to replace the seats and floors with green treated. Not only SHOULD it get rid of the snaps, creeks and pops, but it should also strengthen the stands quite a bit, not like they need it but…

    Why do stand manufacturers use expanded metal when it gets so loud when it’s cold out?? Any other thoughs on what to use, different options, for the seat and floor? My only concern with the ply is holding water and getting slippery on the floor?? The seat I’m not so worried about as I have a pad I carry out with me.


    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    It’s hard to get stands to not make noise i know people use sprays, cushions, etc to do whatever they can but they eventually wear away and you have to reapply. You should do these “silencing” jobs before the season starts so you don’t have an odor that could spook deer

    Farmville, MN
    Posts: 115

    I made two hang on stands with expanded metal grating on the floor. There both quiet all year long. I welded every place the grating touched the frame on the floor. Its a non skid surface. I have angle iron for the frame so I can feel when I’m on the edge. I’m guessing yours is a flattened expanded smooth surface ( which shouldnt matter). It must be moving over a support to make noise when you shift your weight.

    Posts: 1957

    Both stands I tacked/welded every single piece of expanded that touched the frame of both the seat and floor, and welded every bolted section, removed the bolts/nylon washers, etc. I did this last fall. This has been a battle for a few years now. I know it’s coming from the expanded, it has some “spring” or give on both stands. When it gets frozen it just snaps, creeks and pops, especially if there’s some moisture in the air. After last season with the moisture/freeze we had I paid special attention to the sound, definitly from the expanded, a little from the seat, majority from the floor. Maybe a little heavier gauge expanded will prevent the noise. I did notice that the cheap stand compared to the “name brand”…the gauge of expanded is a bit thicker on the name brand, but still makes to much noise. Not as much as the cheapie, but still…it’s noise! Many PRIME mornings have been ruined from these stands.

    I thing I’ll go with the plywood, screw the pizz out of it and use hex heads on the platform for grip. OR…go buy a sheet of thick expanded and weld the pizz out of it again and maybe some cross braces under the seat and floor so it doesn’t have as much chance of flexing??


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22791

    I have a RiversEdge. that has the expanded steel, gets loud in the cold, especially if you have snow on your boots. I also have a BuckFinder stand, it is 1 x 1 aluminum tubing for the platform , I have never heard as much as a squeak out of that stand.

    big g

    Posts: 1957

    I’m going to make sure every joint is welded solid, should be already. Going with 3/4 treated ply,(have some laying around the garage). Screw it down good and use soem hex head on the floor for grip…should stop the noise.

    Expanded metal on deer stands…JOKE!


    Fulton County, Illinois
    Posts: 1108

    What if you were to spray foam underneath the plywood. The foam would then expand around the metal and may dampen any noise. Just a thought as I have never tried it.

    Posts: 1957

    That’s also been a thought…I was thinking a good bead of silicon, let it set overnight before putting the ply down. That should act as a cushion, then again, if it freezes?? I don’t know…I’d like to get this done before the cold goes away so I can test it out before season.


    Farmville, MN
    Posts: 115

    I’m still confused where the noise is coming from…….. As I said above I have an angle iron frame with the expanded. It flexes alot with my weight but no noise. I have no middle supports. ………Is it coming from the ladder and magnifying thru the platform? Can you separate the ladder and lay the platform on the ground and step on it?

    Posts: 1957

    It’s coming from the expanded 99% sure…I can feel it pop under my foot, but, I’ll know for sure in the morning…I got the floor and seat pieces cut(ply)for one stand, it’s held temporarily by a few screws. It’s in the tree, strapped, ladder brace…everything is in place…just going to let it chill over night and I’ll test it in the morning.


    Posts: 1957

    Well, I got a chance to climb up in the stand, move around, give it a once over…she’s silent. All I have left, get it properly secured to the frame, both seat and platform. And put some hex head screws on the floor for grip…all screws are stainless.

    Now, it’s off to start stand #2. I expect the same results.


    Farmville, MN
    Posts: 115

    Glad you got it worked out…..Hurry up!! you only have 7 mons to go

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