Ok sorry for posting this a little late but i had to upload the video’s onto youtube and get pictures sent to me
I had been discussing a hunting trip down to Texas over Christmas break with my dad for the past two years. I had always wanted to shoot a pig especially one with a bow About a week before the guys departed for Texas, i got a phone call from one of the guys saying there was a cancellation from one of their friends, and i was invited if i wanted to go
Of course i wanted to go!!!! The only downfall was i would have to miss the first day or two of school at UW-River Falls
So off we went in an RV down to Diamond C Ranch in Caddo, Texas. 18 hours later, we arrived on Friday January 25 around 10:30 am. We bought our nonresident 4 day hunting license for $45 from Walmart which allowed us to shoot 3 pigs, boar/sow.
Once we arrived at camp, we unloaded all of our stuff, shot bows, and prepared for the evening hunt There were 6 stands to choose from, each with two tripod’s(for different wind directions), and a feeder. Once we left for the stand, we were given a bag of corn, about 2 pounds, and threw that by the feeder in case pigs got there early
Less than 5 minutes into the stand, i had a group of pigs, 13 piglets and two sows come to the feeder
Instead of getting ready to shoot, i filmed this group and observed their behavior so that i could prepare myself for later encounters. Once this group left, i had another group come in I hadn’t figured out how to set the camera up because the tripod was too big to put on the platform and film that way. So instead, i put the camera in my lap and aimed it at the pigs. Long story short, i couldn’t get everything right and those pigs spooked
So instead, i put the camera on the foot platform and recorded that way. Once i figured this out, i heard a grunt from a pig coming in my direction, IT’S GO TIME
The pig i had my eye on was the black one that came in first on camera. There were two pigs that later came into view from my right. Once i got the pig was broadside(which i thought was
) I squeezed the release and watched the arrow hit the lung area and the pig squealed and took off
To make a long story short, we found the pig the next day combing through the 80 acres in search of this pig and others. He went about 300-400 yards on a quartering too shot
But the good news was we found him, and i learned my lesson on that angle
He ended up weighing between 120 and 130
The next afternoon, i had pigs all around me and none of them gave me a good broadside shot or quartering away shot So as dark was approaching and the feeder had gone off, i had a group of about 7 or 8 full grown hogs come full throttle at the feeder!!!!! The last pig was the biggest, i estimated around 200 pounds
Once they got to the feeder and realized there was no corn left on the ground, I had already had my bow drawn and heart set on the fat black oinker
He ended up stopping perfectly broadside at about 25 yards
At this time, i had the camera off and would have blown the opportunity if i tried to get the camera on the pig. Anyway, i shot and watched the arrow bury perfect in the heart
The pigs scattered and i thought i could heard the pig tip over in the woods. So i waited till about dark and headed back to camp because i wanted to make sure that this pig was given enough time in case it wasn’t a good hit. We could have gotten down and gone right to the pig after that shot because he went 50 yards and tipped over
He ended up weighing 175 pounds
This is the pig where the picture was taken at night
On sunday night, i headed out to the same stand where i shot the 175’r because i had seen a lot of pigs there and they seemed to stay in that general vasinity compared to the other 5 stands I sat in a portable lock on stand because i wanted to get footage using the Pro Bow Cam.
As the night went on, i had rams come in first and eat the corn that i had spread out when i got there So i threw a couple rocks at them to scare them away
, which by the way, the guide said was completely ok
But they kept coming back
Later on, i had a group of sows and piglets come pretty much to the base of my stand but the sows were lactating so i didn’t want to shoot one Once the feeder went off, every creature from what seemed like a 2 mile radius came to that feeder
If you watch the beginning of the second video, from the time it starts, to the time you see the first ram, it is only 1 minute and 28 seconds
After about 30 pigs came in, i had to decide quick on which pig to shoot because the corn would soon be gone, and they would leave. Since i had one morning left to hunt, and not wanting to butcher him/her the next morning, i decided to take a hog that offered me the best shot opportunity no matter what the weight or size of the tusks. I also didn’t want to shoot another black one since i had already shot 2
Once i had my bow drawn and the camera on the feeder correctly, i settled my pin on a hog that was broadside or quartering away and didn’t have any pigs behind it. Once i released, i watched the arrow literally SMOKE the pig and watched the blood just pump out the bottom of it
As you saw, the pig went 20 yards and piled up
To recap the trip, we ended up taking 11 pigs, the biggest weighed at 275!!!! picture above, and losing 2 or 3
I saw a crap load of animals and was lucky enough to video two incredible hunts that i will never forget and fill my tags
I took the heads from my first one and my second pig because i am going to do two european mounts when i get the chance
So if anyone knows of a good taxidermist please let me know!!!
Sorry about the quality of the video’s since i was by myself I hope you enjoy/ed them and i hope to go back next year to get some more footage.
Here’s the link: http://youtube.com/user/ProTourBaits