With all the seasons coming to an end what is everyone doing with their free time?
February 3, 2008 at 9:24 pm
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With all the seasons coming to an end what is everyone doing with their free time?
Well right now im varmint hunting. Me and a buddie got 4 red fox since last saturday. And i also do a bit of rabbit and squrril hunting. Something to waste time but it sure beats sitin on your at home.
Spent the weekend fishin the mornings and shed hunting during the day…and again nothing to show for it…but the wife and I had a good time..Jay
Went coyote hunting Fri eve with Gobbler at the calls and had a great light colored dog come in to 125yrds. BANG, yep I missed an easy 125yrd shot. Came home grabbed the gear and headed for Gull for another w-end of walleyes, perch and pike with RVMASHER. Sun afternoon it was off to check the camera and peek a bit for sheds. No sheds but a pic of a nice 8pt. and a spike.
Next w-end can’t come fast enough! Also have gone squirrel hunting with a good friend 2x’s and never realized how much fun it actually is. 11 squirrels and counting till the big squirrel feed, my first at that. He SWEARS that they’re tasty.:o
Shooting the bow at the Dart Target at the local archery shop! getting ready for the turkey season! Also getting the honey do list complete before ice out!
getting the honey do list complete before ice out!
That’s my top priority right now. As one can never have enough honey to-do points saved up.
Other things that I need to do: clean the guns, send in shotguns to the gunsmith for a little trigger work, and get ready for trap shooting season to start.
There is always things to do for the upcoming hunting seasons: scouting, getting access to new land, thank the landowners that allow you to hunt their land last year, practice shooting as one can never get too good, and buy new things even if we do not need them
[, and buy new things even if we do not need them
Woah there Ron, if we start talking like that somebody’s significant other is going to catch on to how much we actually spend on the new toys. If that happends the ecconomy could get even worse! I beg you not for our, MY, sake but for the sake of the global ecconomy never let momma find out that you didn’t HAVE to have that new… bow, gun, really expensive duck call hmm…. duck calls…. For Pete’s Sake man we NEED NEW STUFF… though I am not sure why yet.
[, and buy new things even if we do not need them
Woah there Ron, if we start talking like that somebody’s significant other is going to catch on to how much we actually spend on the new toys. If that happends the ecconomy could get even worse! I beg you not for our, MY, sake but for the sake of the global ecconomy never let momma find out that you didn’t HAVE to have that new… bow, gun, really expensive duck call hmm…. duck calls…. For Pete’s Sake man we NEED NEW STUFF… though I am not sure why yet.
Dunn I had to laugh when I read your post and saw you have what looks like a negative dollar amount on your “Post bucks”.
Squirrels. But not as much as I would like.
And I think Coppertop is downplaying his love of this new to him type of hunting. I saw him climb 28 feet up a tree with 8 treeclimbers to retrieve a big ol’ woodchuck lookin’ fox squirrel!
I won’t even mention the all out sprint after the one running on the forest floor.
Can’t wait to get out again. Even though I am not the good friend you referred to in your post. Dude? what gives?
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