I just received this in an email, haven’t heard of the change at all. I actually think this would be a good idea, its intent is to punish landowners charging people to hunt/fish on land that should be open to the public, the landowners are already getting tax breaks for allowing public access. Here is the email:
The Wisconsin Legislature has passed a new Managed Forest Law that bans many recreational uses on 2,900,000 acres of privately owned land.
‘The specific recreational activities covered in the new law are hunting, fishing, hiking, sight-seeing, cross-country skiing, horseback riding and staying in cabins.’
Source: DNR Letter sent to 29,000 forest land owners on October 30, 2007
from: Kathryn J. Nelson
Forest Tax Section Chief
Division of Forestry
Wisconsin DNR
Land owners are being required by the DNR to terminate verbal and written leases with hunters by January 1, 2008.
Source: DNR Letter sent to 29,000 forest land owners on October 30, 2007
New changes in Wisconsin’s Managed Forest Law ban all types of outdoor recreation on 2,900,000 acres of private forest land if the forest owner receives any type of compensation or consideration for the activity.
Land owners allowing this type of recreation on their land will face immediate fines and additional potential Managed Forest Law penalties of tens of thousands of dollars.
The DNR Forest Tax Section intends to aggressively enforce the new Managed Forest Law. Their first major effort is likely focus on the spring turkey hunt followed by the 2008 deer hunt.
The new law goes into effect on January 1, 2008.
If the land you hunt, fish, ski, or ride on is part of the 2,900,000 acres of private forest covered by the new Managed Forest Law, this may be your last season to enjoy hunting, a cross-country ski trail, riding, or a secluded cabin in the woods.
How did this happen?
No hearings were ever conducted. This was a back room deal. The Managed Forest Law outdoor recreation ban was slipped into the state budget by the legislature’s Joint Finance Committee on behalf of special interests.
Who voted for this?
All members of the Joint Finance Committee.
Who are the legislators on the Joint Finance Committee?
Use this link for a list of the Committee members and get their contact information. Please call them.
Why didn’t Governor Doyle veto this law?
Governor Doyle ignored repeated requests to veto this special interest legislation. Please contact Governor Doyle immediately at 608-266-1212. Governor Doyle’s email address is [email protected] Ask the Governor to call for legislation to repeal the Managed Forest Law outdoor recreation ban.
Call your state Senators and Representatives immediately.
This link has contact information for the State Legislature
This one is for the State Senate
Ask your Senator and Representative to sponsor or cosponsor legislation repealing the Managed Forest Law legislation banning many types of recreational use on private forest land. Your legislator will tell you that they need to study this issue.
Follow up with calls every several days to determine if your legislator has finished studying the issue and is prepared to support repeal of the Managed Forest Law outdoor recreation ban.
Please forward this message.
The new law becomes effective January 1. Take action now to repeal the Managed Forest Law outdoor recreation ban.