I gotta share this!

  • buckshot
    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1653

    This is probably one of those stories that would be funnier if you had been there….but I am going to share anyways because I thought it was funny listening to this clown.

    Okay I am at this little Thai place near the office where I work for lunch and these 2 guys come in and sit at the table right behind me.
    I hear the one guy ask the waitress how much vegetarian there is on the buffet….I think no big deal each to their own.
    So he goes on about what day is a good day to come when they have a vegetarian buffet….now I am wondering what is up cuz by the volume he is using it kinda seems like he wants to make sure everyone can hear him.

    Well his buddy hits the buffet, apparently not concerned about the consumption of meat since pretty much everything had meat in it.
    This is where it gets entertaining.
    The non vegetarian gets back to the table and asks the guy about it. Still in a normal to semi loud voice he says it is for health reasons…after seeing the guy I really wonder because he looks like he has had his share of Big Macs.
    Then he follows up with….”and I just can’t stomach eating something that dies screaming”. I paused went over the words again..yep…that’s what he said. He goes on about the suffering of animals for a while then he starts talking about this reading book he is reading and how great it is. It is mostly about organic living but the last chapter is on hunting & gathering. To which he says something to the effect of he doesn’t have a problem with that if you truly live that way and hunt and gather EVERYTHING. Do you suppose duck/deer hunting and a trip to Cub would count as the gathering part??

    I am finished eating and ready to leave and it dawns on me to check something out. As I stand up….I take a glance and this guy has a really nice leather coat AND leather shoes and just guessing probably a leather belt to hold his khakis up. I so badly wanted to ask him if he thinks the cow that donated that stuff was any more happy than the one donating the meat for a steak.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 2106

    you OK? that has to be the first time you have kept your opinion to yourself.


    Andover MN.
    Posts: 390

    Thats great, I would have opened my big mouth, when someone is talking that loud its an open invitation to join in, I love voicing my opinion.
    People Eating Tasty Animals

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Actually, I eat ALOT of Organic food…. Chicken, Turkey, Buffalo, Beef, Pork, Venison……

    big g

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    JB, I can’t believe you held your tongue. Let’s go back!!

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