SKB Shotguns

  • jason-cyboron
    Lincoln, NE
    Posts: 487

    Does any have any experience with SKB Shotguns ? I try to support local companies. They look like great guns, but I don’t know anyone who owns one.


    Posts: 33

    I have one I got it for my 16th birthday. I love the gun myself but like you said no one has them. I have had it for quite awhile so I dont know what the new ones are like but that baby is sure lite. and its my only gun so I cant compare.

    LaCrosse Wi
    Posts: 306

    I have one, that’s been in my gun cabinet for years. 20 guage. I started using it for duck hunting. Like mwas said before, very light gun and shoots well.Only problem I had was when I shoot steel shot, I got powder in my eyes. then went to a 12 guage and haven’t shot it since. Always thought the blueing and grain of the wood was better than most.–John

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2843

    SKB are excellent shotguns. They are made in Japan. The venerable Winchester 101 was made for Winchester by SKB.

    Posts: 2294

    It is my understanding that SKB also built some of the early Citori’s for Browning.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    I have one, sorta….It’s an Ithica Model 300 semi-auto 20. I love it. Fast, light.
    “”It is my understanding that SKB also built some of the early Citori’s for Browning. “”
    This is true, as well they did make guns for other companies. Now they’re on their own.

    Which model you looking at. The O/U? What are they running($$$) these days. Feature for dollar, I think you’ll be happy. (hope that hepls you, PS/ I’m an old Husker farm boy from scottsbluff county) I used my 20ga for pheasants and waterfowl. Still have it.

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