Russ&Judy’s “Duck Inn” progress report

  • russjudy
    Posts: 785

    well things are finally getting to a more stable point- the well is in and down, the electric is all in, the yard looks like —t yet, the garden is half up and half down in the ground yet-not growing-, were burning 1 stump at a time on the bonfire and “will take the next 10 years to complete”, the rocks are the size of bushel baskets but being put in piles 1 at a time, the state bird is doing very well now as the 1 foot high grass is hidding them well–there tossing empty IV bags out of it for refills by morning–Were tossing deet spray back in cans with timers to blow them suckers up and back where they came from

    we now have a pair of Mallards stopping in for breakfest of corn, the Rooster pheasant still visits but his lady hasnt got off her nest yet, we had a couger pass through last week, he was spotted 3 miles away the week before–guess what? the nieghbers cattle have baby calves, I have seen more deer this year than ever and most are does except for 5 that went by from last years fawns, all in a group and horns in velvet about 3 inches high
    the turkeys are still around crossing the driveway, but we havent seen the bear for about 3 weeks now

    the driveway is in pretty good shape except for the roller coaster ride–kind of like riding a wave
    yak later — hoping to have an open house in August

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