Water trapping sets w/pics

  • dave-barber
    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100


    Me personally, I like to check ALL traps at least once a day.

    Even if it is only for the exercise!!!

    just messing with you buddy! hope your traps are full this weekend!!!

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    This is a good critter ridder.
    Dig a hole in the stream bank and fill with ashes.
    Sprinkle some peas on the outside perimeter.
    When the critter comes by to take a pea, kick him in the ash hole.
    Can you believe my parents layed out good money for my education?

    6ft under
    Posts: 3242

    This is a good critter ridder.
    Dig a hole in the stream bank and fill with ashes.
    Sprinkle some peas on the outside perimeter.
    When the critter comes by to take a pea, kick him in the ash hole.
    Can you believe my parents layed out good money for my education?

    Posts: 19

    I have heard fur prices are on the rise?? Is this true. Might have to do a little more predator hunting this winter.

    Posts: 19

    I have heard fur prices are on the rise?? Is this true. Might have to do a little more predator hunting this winter.

    Posts: 5130


    Even if it is only for the exercise!!!

    Soon grasshopper
    But, I am definitely getting my exercise. John R and myself went for a little drive so he could show me some areas that are going to be excellent for rats. When that time comes, then the pics will be flying

    Posts: 5130


    Even if it is only for the exercise!!!

    Soon grasshopper
    But, I am definitely getting my exercise. John R and myself went for a little drive so he could show me some areas that are going to be excellent for rats. When that time comes, then the pics will be flying

    Posts: 5130


    cut the bank so the mink has to get into the water to check out the hole in your pic a mink can walk down the bank check out your pocket and never get his feet wet or near your trap

    I am open to any ideas you guys may have. So, are you saying I should cut the hole all the way to the vertical bank and then make the pocket set? I think I understand what you were saying. If that is the case, if it is empty tomorrow, I am going to modify it
    If you guys want to critique my sets feel free to do so, I am always looking for new ideas. That is the best way for all of us to learn new tricks and ideas.

    Posts: 5130


    cut the bank so the mink has to get into the water to check out the hole in your pic a mink can walk down the bank check out your pocket and never get his feet wet or near your trap

    I am open to any ideas you guys may have. So, are you saying I should cut the hole all the way to the vertical bank and then make the pocket set? I think I understand what you were saying. If that is the case, if it is empty tomorrow, I am going to modify it
    If you guys want to critique my sets feel free to do so, I am always looking for new ideas. That is the best way for all of us to learn new tricks and ideas.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I think you should try Herbie’s idea…..

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I think you should try Herbie’s idea…..

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 353

    Casters with Vaseline works great…intruders.

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 353

    Casters with Vaseline works great…intruders.

    S.E. Iowa
    Posts: 669

    I use mostly Connibear traps for the past few years. At times I will not be able to check my traps first thing in the morn so coon caught in a 220 will still be there when I have time. Coons in 220s dont mess up your trap site , they are usually dead right away. I use plywood cubbies alot but you have to be really carefull where you set them. If there are dogs that are free ranging it is best to find another spot.One of the down sides is you miss 99 % of the mink that come in. Lately I have been adding a small foottrap inside the box.It will also get those small opposums that steal your bait .One more tip for bait stealers, take a small can of fish or fish type cat food and take a can opener and punch a couple of holes in the top. The scent will be able to escape while the bait itself will be protected.That would work as well in bank cubbies. As for the cats you might catch they are probably wild and are putting the hurt to your quail population. I figure no harm done eliminating a few of these predators also.

    S.E. Iowa
    Posts: 669

    I use mostly Connibear traps for the past few years. At times I will not be able to check my traps first thing in the morn so coon caught in a 220 will still be there when I have time. Coons in 220s dont mess up your trap site , they are usually dead right away. I use plywood cubbies alot but you have to be really carefull where you set them. If there are dogs that are free ranging it is best to find another spot.One of the down sides is you miss 99 % of the mink that come in. Lately I have been adding a small foottrap inside the box.It will also get those small opposums that steal your bait .One more tip for bait stealers, take a small can of fish or fish type cat food and take a can opener and punch a couple of holes in the top. The scent will be able to escape while the bait itself will be protected.That would work as well in bank cubbies. As for the cats you might catch they are probably wild and are putting the hurt to your quail population. I figure no harm done eliminating a few of these predators also.

    Posts: 5130

    I took a few pics of blind trail sets this morning. I use strictly 160’s due to the stringent restrictions surrounding the use of 220’s on land in WI.
    The first pic is on a very well used trail that parralels the river and is up above the water. The water directly below is fairly deep and has swift current. The animals use these trails in between the areas where the sandbars meet up with vertical banks.

    Posts: 5130

    I took a few pics of blind trail sets this morning. I use strictly 160’s due to the stringent restrictions surrounding the use of 220’s on land in WI.
    The first pic is on a very well used trail that parralels the river and is up above the water. The water directly below is fairly deep and has swift current. The animals use these trails in between the areas where the sandbars meet up with vertical banks.

    Posts: 5130

    This trap is a little harder to see, but it is also a blind trail set in the bullrushes next to a small pond. The coon have a trail wore down to the mud just on the otherside of the trap. I had to do a small amount of guiding to make them commit to just this trail. There was another trail next to this one so I just brushed up some bullrushes and funneled the trail into this one trail. There is also another trap set not too far from this one in hopes of catching a double. The good thing about these types of sets are they stay working in the freezing coditions. The coon may not be running much right now, but when they do, the traps will be waiting for them.

    Posts: 5130

    This trap is a little harder to see, but it is also a blind trail set in the bullrushes next to a small pond. The coon have a trail wore down to the mud just on the otherside of the trap. I had to do a small amount of guiding to make them commit to just this trail. There was another trail next to this one so I just brushed up some bullrushes and funneled the trail into this one trail. There is also another trap set not too far from this one in hopes of catching a double. The good thing about these types of sets are they stay working in the freezing coditions. The coon may not be running much right now, but when they do, the traps will be waiting for them.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Fun fun stuff. Thanks AmWatson

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    Fun fun stuff. Thanks AmWatson

    Raymond, Iowa
    Posts: 90

    I agree with rod-man. You can take your foot or your spade and cut and horse shoe shape in the bank 8-10 inches wide by 8-10 deep. The trap should be just below the water, an inch or so. Then take your spade and make a hole the size of your pvc or use your pvc, it doesn’t matter, keep the bait dry.
    The only thing I see that would put more coon in your traps, is to put a good size branch off a tree or a large rock on the top side of the bait. Make the coon or mink come around into the water to work the bait. Right now he can keep his feet dry and enjoy your fish. Large chunks of fresh carp seem to work the best for the mink. Coon won’t pass it up this meal. Shellfish works in combo with this set, not all over the bank. Just some around the pocket for smell, you don’t want him wondering all over. Make 2-3 set within a 25 foot area, you be surprised how many doubles and triples you’ll get. Good Luck Wats!!

    Raymond, Iowa
    Posts: 90

    I agree with rod-man. You can take your foot or your spade and cut and horse shoe shape in the bank 8-10 inches wide by 8-10 deep. The trap should be just below the water, an inch or so. Then take your spade and make a hole the size of your pvc or use your pvc, it doesn’t matter, keep the bait dry.
    The only thing I see that would put more coon in your traps, is to put a good size branch off a tree or a large rock on the top side of the bait. Make the coon or mink come around into the water to work the bait. Right now he can keep his feet dry and enjoy your fish. Large chunks of fresh carp seem to work the best for the mink. Coon won’t pass it up this meal. Shellfish works in combo with this set, not all over the bank. Just some around the pocket for smell, you don’t want him wondering all over. Make 2-3 set within a 25 foot area, you be surprised how many doubles and triples you’ll get. Good Luck Wats!!

    Posts: 5130

    Thanks for the tips guys
    With the rain we had a few days ago, the river came up about 6″. Alot of my sets took a beating. This morning I had 1 pocket collapsed, 1 pvc set completely underwater, and a few others that were almost filled with water. So, this afternoon when I had more time, I went and re-worked the sets. The one pocket set from the above pic; I dug this pocket all the way to the vertical bank which in turn cut the trail that was above the pocket off. I then baited with fish and put a small amount of shellfish oil in the pocket as well. The other pockets just needed to be dug a little more. I also moved the collapsed pocket up stream a little. I think where it was, the water was getting too deep. The place it is now is where the point of dryland meets with the water and has a trail coming off the high grass to this point. There was just enough water here that a coon can work the set and not have to swim or wade through deeper water to get to it. The temps may be a little too cold for anything to be running for a few days anyway, but I am going to keep the sets working in case they do run.

    Posts: 5130

    Thanks for the tips guys
    With the rain we had a few days ago, the river came up about 6″. Alot of my sets took a beating. This morning I had 1 pocket collapsed, 1 pvc set completely underwater, and a few others that were almost filled with water. So, this afternoon when I had more time, I went and re-worked the sets. The one pocket set from the above pic; I dug this pocket all the way to the vertical bank which in turn cut the trail that was above the pocket off. I then baited with fish and put a small amount of shellfish oil in the pocket as well. The other pockets just needed to be dug a little more. I also moved the collapsed pocket up stream a little. I think where it was, the water was getting too deep. The place it is now is where the point of dryland meets with the water and has a trail coming off the high grass to this point. There was just enough water here that a coon can work the set and not have to swim or wade through deeper water to get to it. The temps may be a little too cold for anything to be running for a few days anyway, but I am going to keep the sets working in case they do run.

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