Now that I am officially laid off for the winter, I now had the time to lay some steel in the ground
I got to get warmed up by tagging along with Blue Fleck and his dad on their trapping adventures a few times.
Let me tell you, a walking trapline in swampy terrain is quite the workout. I set out a variety of sets to target mainly coon with some mink and muskrat sets mixed in. Even as much as I walked to get off the beaten path, there was still more competition this year than ever. I seen some things out on the line today that make you wonder about other trappers. Some of the rat traps out appeared to have been there awhile unchecked. Some had nasty looking rats in them, traps above water and were so rusty they can’t possibly work. In case you are wondering, no I did not tamper with any of the sets, you could see all of this from a distance
There was also a ton of beaver sign, but the area is closed to otter and beaver
So, now comes the waiting game. It might be a long night waiting for morning. Trapping is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the outdoors.
One investment I made this morning was one of the “mini” Otter sleds. I was able to put a ton of gear in this and just pull it behind me. It was also great in the water. I was very suprised at how well it floats with the load I had in it.
Hopefully tomorrow I have something in the traps
November 24, 2006 at 6:27 pm