This is the before and after of my Bear. I have done Deer, an Elk now this Bear. I learn a little something new and better every time. Just thought in case anyone was interested in doing there own, this is what works best for me. I’m sure others have better ideas on what works for them. Please share what works for you
This skull was simmered(not boiled)in water and Baking Soda for a good 8 hours after cleaning off the big stuff with a knife. You can’t over do the Baking Soda. Every 2 hours, I remove the skull and go at it with my air compressor. Wear cloths you don’t mind being splattered a bit! The air will get into every crevasse and hole, and is much easier and quicker than a brush and knives! I also change out the water 2 – 3 times depending on how much stuff is floating around.
The Baking Soda seemed to whiten the skull just fine without using any peroxide. A person can get the teeth white if they would like also. I prefer the used look! The teeth will fall out during the cleaning/simmering process but don’t worry; they only go back in one-way! I use super glue for the task.
If this is not white enough for your liking you can use a tooth brush and peroxide diluted with water to scrub the skull and let dry. Letting it sit in the sun also helps!
The biggest thing is to make sure you have a very clean skull. You do not want to attract any little critters (bugs)
Time consuming but easy to do.
Good luck in the woods people