Lumenok arrow nocks??

  • schrumy
    Clearwater MN
    Posts: 183

    Myself and some of the guys that I hunt with have used them since they where available, none of us would hunt with out them. You can definately see point of entry, if it’s a pass thru or not and if it sticks in the animal you can see them a long ways away at dark for tracking. Just my 2 cents

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Was at the Archery shop last night. Picked up a arrow removal tool, and right next to them, was a spool of thread. It peaked my interest, so I read the package. Evidently, its for putting on your arrow, so when you shoot something, this 2500 feet of thred, unspools. Its bright orange, and supposedly, you just follow the string to your kill. I thought this was hilarious !!! Anybody else see this stuff ?

    big g

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    Was at the Archery shop last night. Picked up a arrow removal tool, and right next to them, was a spool of thread. It peaked my interest, so I read the package. Evidently, its for putting on your arrow, so when you shoot something, this 2500 feet of thred, unspools. Its bright orange, and supposedly, you just follow the string to your kill. I thought this was hilarious !!! Anybody else see this stuff ?

    big g

    Posts: 1025

    My cousin uses the stuff, he is 16 and has not tracked that many deer by himself. he said that it works wonders early in the year when blood is hard to find. also is good when hunting in some thick stuff. he has only had it break once. I read a book one time that said they swear by it. I hooked it up to my bow once just did not like it.

    Posts: 1025

    My cousin uses the stuff, he is 16 and has not tracked that many deer by himself. he said that it works wonders early in the year when blood is hard to find. also is good when hunting in some thick stuff. he has only had it break once. I read a book one time that said they swear by it. I hooked it up to my bow once just did not like it.

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