Those Mean, Heartless Deer Hunters!

  • jon_jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Did anyone catch the story on KMSP FOX 9 News last night? They interviewed a lady whose cat was apparently shot by a deer hunter. The story plays out like this….

    Lady sitting on a couch in here house with cat in bandages. Rear end blasted off. No tail, half a leg. (Cat lived, only used one of it 9 lives) Teary eyed lady explains how she lets her cat out to “Play” in the woods outside here house. And how could anyone shoot her precious cat. Reporter seems to be siding with her and how could an “Irresponsible Hunter” do such a thing….bla, bla, bla, …….

    They totally missed the mark on this story. How about irresponsible cat owner lets cat into woods to kill all the birds and wildlife it can get it’s furry little paws on! The only thing wrong here is the cat lived!

    The story is not on their website. But you can leave a comment in the “Contact Us” section. Link here>>>

    We need to let them know how F’ed up there point of view is on this topic!


    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    i sent an email:

    “I heard the story of the lady who had her cat shot. My comment is that she is the irresponsible one for letting this cat out into the woods. It doesn’t go out there to “play”, but to prey on the wildlife. The only Irresponsible thing the hunter did was miss and not get a clean kill.”

    Jeremiah Shaver
    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 4941

    i sent an email:

    “I heard the story of the lady who had her cat shot. My comment is that she is the irresponsible one for letting this cat out into the woods. It doesn’t go out there to “play”, but to prey on the wildlife. The only Irresponsible thing the hunter did was miss and not get a clean kill.”

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Here is my note…

    You missed the mark on your cat shooing story last night. The only thing wrong here is the cat is still alive. Perhaps your next story should be how cats in the woods destroy birds and wildlife. Also, you failed to mention there was nothing illegal about that shooting. Anyone can shoot a stray cat.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Here is my note…

    You missed the mark on your cat shooing story last night. The only thing wrong here is the cat is still alive. Perhaps your next story should be how cats in the woods destroy birds and wildlife. Also, you failed to mention there was nothing illegal about that shooting. Anyone can shoot a stray cat.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    There are only 2 good place for a cat…..Under my tires and on the end of a quick strick rig

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    There are only 2 good place for a cat…..Under my tires and on the end of a quick strick rig

    South metro
    Posts: 134

    Not that I disagree with the cat owner being irresponsible, nor that feral cats do prey on wildlife, but this whole thing about blaming cats for all the loss of wildlife is rather “irresponsible” also, in that as much, or more, loss of wildlife can be attributed directly to loss of habitat due to “urban sprawl” that is out of control.
    Those bulldozers clearing fields and woodlots for townhomes are “killing” lots of critters and birds.
    Just my 2 cents…

    South metro
    Posts: 134

    Not that I disagree with the cat owner being irresponsible, nor that feral cats do prey on wildlife, but this whole thing about blaming cats for all the loss of wildlife is rather “irresponsible” also, in that as much, or more, loss of wildlife can be attributed directly to loss of habitat due to “urban sprawl” that is out of control.
    Those bulldozers clearing fields and woodlots for townhomes are “killing” lots of critters and birds.
    Just my 2 cents…

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Hey G3, I hear what your saying. However that Urban Sprawl has created an epedemic of over-populated deer in the 7 county metro area, right here in Minneapolis/St. Paul. We also have a TON of geese and ducks right here in the metro area. It has gotten to the point, where private party “snipers” have been hired out of state to assist the current snipers we have hired in thinning out the deer heard in the metro area, primarily in downtown Minneapolis/St. Paul.

    With that said, we have seen documented studies delivered to us on IDA about how the feral cats are killing wildlife. Is it possible that you can dig up some studies on how the urban sprawl in our area has effected the wildlife and post them here?

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Hey G3, I hear what your saying. However that Urban Sprawl has created an epedemic of over-populated deer in the 7 county metro area, right here in Minneapolis/St. Paul. We also have a TON of geese and ducks right here in the metro area. It has gotten to the point, where private party “snipers” have been hired out of state to assist the current snipers we have hired in thinning out the deer heard in the metro area, primarily in downtown Minneapolis/St. Paul.

    With that said, we have seen documented studies delivered to us on IDA about how the feral cats are killing wildlife. Is it possible that you can dig up some studies on how the urban sprawl in our area has effected the wildlife and post them here?

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    You are exactly right Slop, nice response!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    You are exactly right Slop, nice response!

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    I can hear CFG booten’ up her ‘puter right now!

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    I can hear CFG booten’ up her ‘puter right now!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I can hear CFG booten’ up her ‘puter right now!

    Cat lover or not, the point here is >>>> Don’t make the deer hunter the bad guy!


    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I can hear CFG booten’ up her ‘puter right now!

    Cat lover or not, the point here is >>>> Don’t make the deer hunter the bad guy!


    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I always refer to Fox 9 news as kiddy news, half baked stories, never fully researching what they are publishing. I’d rather watch Lifetime Movie network than sit through an hour of their news program.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    I always refer to Fox 9 news as kiddy news, half baked stories, never fully researching what they are publishing. I’d rather watch Lifetime Movie network than sit through an hour of their news program.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5721

    Somebody prove to me that the shooter was a deer hunter. Anybody could shoot a cat in the butt, why does he have to be a “deer hunter”? It’s just as likely that it was a neighbor who has bird feeders and is sick of this lady’s cat hanging around all the time.

    I got into this years ago with the news director at KSTP. Some moron had shot a swan and KSTP’s new readers referred to him as a “duck hunter”. I asked the news director if the guy who vandalized his garage with a can of spray paint was an “artist”? Or if he gets mugged by somebody who hits him over the head with a baseball bat, does that mean he was robbed by a “baseball player”? If he has a car accident on the way to work was he hit by a “race car driver”? Finally the guy asked me what I thought the swan shooter should be called. I told him “Easy, he’s a CRIMINAL”.


    P.S. I like tweety birds a lot more than I like cats.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5721

    Somebody prove to me that the shooter was a deer hunter. Anybody could shoot a cat in the butt, why does he have to be a “deer hunter”? It’s just as likely that it was a neighbor who has bird feeders and is sick of this lady’s cat hanging around all the time.

    I got into this years ago with the news director at KSTP. Some moron had shot a swan and KSTP’s new readers referred to him as a “duck hunter”. I asked the news director if the guy who vandalized his garage with a can of spray paint was an “artist”? Or if he gets mugged by somebody who hits him over the head with a baseball bat, does that mean he was robbed by a “baseball player”? If he has a car accident on the way to work was he hit by a “race car driver”? Finally the guy asked me what I thought the swan shooter should be called. I told him “Easy, he’s a CRIMINAL”.


    P.S. I like tweety birds a lot more than I like cats.

    shore shinner
    Eau Claire Wi.
    Posts: 116

    How could he have MISSED?

    shore shinner
    Eau Claire Wi.
    Posts: 116

    How could he have MISSED?

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Don’t get me wrong!
    Puddy tats at ‘play’ in the woods; Deer Hunters shooting puddy tats ‘playing’ in the woods:
    Just for the record!

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Don’t get me wrong!
    Puddy tats at ‘play’ in the woods; Deer Hunters shooting puddy tats ‘playing’ in the woods:
    Just for the record!

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Quote”Did anyone catch the story on KMSP FOX 9 News last night? They interviewed a lady whose cat was apparently shot by a deer hunter. The story plays out like this….

    Lady sitting on a couch in here house with cat in bandages. Rear end blasted off. No tail, half a leg. (Cat lived, only used one of it 9 lives) Teary eyed lady explains how she lets her cat out to “Play” in the woods outside here house. And how could anyone shoot her precious cat. Reporter seems to be siding with her and how could an “Irresponsible Hunter” do such a thing….bla, bla, bla, …….” Quote

    To that I say, this is not a catasstrophy, or is it?

    Hudson, Wisconsin
    Posts: 1890

    Quote”Did anyone catch the story on KMSP FOX 9 News last night? They interviewed a lady whose cat was apparently shot by a deer hunter. The story plays out like this….

    Lady sitting on a couch in here house with cat in bandages. Rear end blasted off. No tail, half a leg. (Cat lived, only used one of it 9 lives) Teary eyed lady explains how she lets her cat out to “Play” in the woods outside here house. And how could anyone shoot her precious cat. Reporter seems to be siding with her and how could an “Irresponsible Hunter” do such a thing….bla, bla, bla, …….” Quote

    To that I say, this is not a catasstrophy, or is it?

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953


    I sent them an email paraphrasing what you said, I think we all should, this is not what we need! It is already hard enough to get permission to hunt places and now more people will have a poor image of us as a whole.

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953


    I sent them an email paraphrasing what you said, I think we all should, this is not what we need! It is already hard enough to get permission to hunt places and now more people will have a poor image of us as a whole.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I hope you guys all learn a lesson from this. If your going to shoot a cat- aim small, miss small and keep shooting until it’s down. Kick some leaves over it if possible. If not just leave the area……..

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