Hunting regs for thermal TX, OK

  • FishBlood&RiverMud
    Posts: 6687

    Well back from Texas I learned a lot about their hunting regs. Many of which I had assumed wrong before traveling.
    Y’all know how confusing various state regs can be!

    In texas, about anything goes on private land. Hunt at night, thermal, night vision, calibers, etc. No license needed for hogs etc.

    On public, zero night hunting. No thermal. No guns outside of deer or turkey seasons. If you want to hunt hog during deer or turkey you must have a deer or turkey license and must follow all regs for them. Despite hog hunting.

    Oklahoma is the same.
    Arkansas a bit more confusing but resembles that of Texas and Oklahoma.
    I think Kansas has made it illegal to hunt hogs to reduce people transporting them for hunting opportunities.

    This all surprised me because in minnesota public land for yotes any caliber, anytime, thermal, night visible, no redlight unless on shot shell, no license needed. Exception during deer firearm season. Only thing laughable there is the redlight thing.

    I never would have thought minnesota would allow more hunting opportunity on public land with methods calibers times than those with feral hogs. We’re quite blessed with our thermal predator public opportunities. Mn doesn’t differentiate regs whether on private or public.

    Turns out however day stalking hogs with archery equipment is quite fun and rewarding albeit about the most challenging and bloody thorny way to do it while hogs hold up in the thickest nastiest of stuff during the day. You can bait the heck out of them but be a rare day they visit that bait during legal hours.

    I’m already researching new public land archery daytime opportunities in various states for hog. Just was quite amazed what’s allowed in MN to be less restricted than public in Texas and Oklahoma.
    Lease land down there is the only way to have fun with the thermal toys. Despite that I’m looking forward to a future self-guided public archery hog hunt in OK or AR.

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    Posts: 25044

    Does TX have much public land? I heard it was almost all privately owned. We are lucky in MN too because of all the public land we have.

    Posts: 6687

    I was hunting on a 10k acre chuck right next to a 44k chunk. Albeit much of those acres is water. Public land is certainly managed with a focus on deer, turkey, doves and ducks. Minnesota may have just as many public acres as Texas, despite Texas being 3.3 times the size of MN.

    Not griping. Just making folks aware.

    Posts: 25044

    Yeah, that is what I thought, but those are a couple huge tracks of land there!

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