Cuddeback Camera Support Question

  • bzzsaw
    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I bought a new Cuddeback Capture camera last January. I think I paid around 130.00 from Fleet Farm. Unfortunately, a bear didn’t like it and ripped it off the tree. It broke the mounting bracket from the housing leaving about a 2 X 3 inch hole in the back of the casing. I tried piecing it back together and replacing the batteries, but it is not working. I looked at the Cuddeback website. I’m not expecting them to cover damage due to a bear, but saw they have a replace it with new option. I’m trying to find out more about this. I called their support line and was number 10 in the queue yesterday. I waited for about 10 minutes and then decided to email them my question. Still haven’t got a response. I’m back on the phone again today (suppose to be one of their least busy days) and was number 20 on the queue.

    Does anyone know how much they will charge to replace my camera with a new one? Do they tend to give you much of a break? If not, I need to go buy a new one before the weekend. Thanks for any suggestions.

    Posts: 6441

    $100 to replace. I’m not sure what they will say about yours being bear bait

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Thanks for the reply Pat. I finally got thru to Cuddeback and they said I could replace it with another Capture camera for 85.00 including shipping. Or I could replace it with an Attack Flash for 160.00. I liked the pictures I was getting from the camera, but it looks like there are other cameras I could get in the same price range. I also wasn’t overly impressed with the response time when calling Cuddeback. It took 30 minutes to finally get thru this morning. If I decide to order the replacement, I don’t look forward to waiting on the phone again. They still haven’t replied to my email from yesterday.

    Posts: 6441

    Customer service is a a big issue with Cuddeback In my opinion there are better cameras available for less money

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    I run all different cameras on my farm, and have had a few cuddys and wildgame go back/and-or needed to call customer support. Right now, about every camera in a hunters hand is in use, and it is peak time for hunters to realize they have a problem. When i called Wildgame on sept. 1st, my wait time was about 30 seconds. Called today on a different subject and was on hold for 15 minutes. I’m sure wait times for any camera manufacdture will greatly decrease after hunting season.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3542


    I run all different cameras on my farm, and have had a few cuddys and wildgame go back/and-or needed to call customer support. Right now, about every camera in a hunters hand is in use, and it is peak time for hunters to realize they have a problem. When i called Wildgame on sept. 1st, my wait time was about 30 seconds. Called today on a different subject and was on hold for 15 minutes. I’m sure wait times for any camera manufacdture will greatly decrease after hunting season.

    Right ON why people don`t realize this, and some companies have much more product out there, where it seems they are having a bigger problem with there product but it comes down to numbers sold.

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