
  • superdave
    NE IA
    Posts: 804


    I honestly don’t know. We didn’t weigh here. It was getting dark fast and we wanted to film the release. She was a dandy, that’s for sure.

    Like I said, I’m ready for spring!

    Mantorville, Mn
    Posts: 830

    I have a TC Omega muzzleloader that Ive had now for about 5 years. And Im finally going to get a scope for it. I havent bought one yet just looking. Was wondering what you guys/gals thought about the Nikon omegaBDC250. I already own Nikon binos and love em. thnx

    Posts: 2389

    Nikon makes good stuff. I don’t own that scope, but if scopes were legal during our muzzy season in WI, I probably would! (I do have a 1x Nikon scope for my Encore and I love it… 1x is allowed in WI) Muzzys can be VERY acurate at distance for sure (even just with a 1x scope!). Penetration might be a limiting factor at distance depending on the game?? (Due to large frontal area / relatively slower speeds…. More knowlegeable people than myself probably have more info on this?? Anyone shoot deer at over 200 yards with a muzzleloader?)

    Either way, looks like a sweet scope for sure. I have a few Leupold B&C reticle scopes and I LOVE em. Once you get them sighted in and practice with them, they are just AWESOME! I would assume that BDC reticle would be very similar.

    Good luck!


    Posts: 24

    Upgraded both my TC Encore’s last year with the scopes. Do not have any complaints. Did not get a chance to utilize the BDC as the deer taken with the guns were all under 50 yards.

    Posts: 329

    Scopes are illegal on muzzleloaders in MN.

    Tom O.
    Willmar Mn.
    Posts: 52

    Scopes are legal on muzzleloaders during the regular firearms seasons in MN. Just not during the muzzleloader season.

    Reads Landing Mn
    Posts: 696

    I have one on my T/C Pro Hunter, right now I switch it between the 50cal. and the 30.06 barrels. the eye relief is quite long which takes some getting use to, quality is good and it is very clear, as for the BDC I haven’t had a chance to shoot a deer past 80 yards yet.

    P.S. a range finder would be a must IMO.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374


    Scopes are legal on muzzleloaders during the regular firearms seasons in MN. Just not during the muzzleloader season.

    You said it

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22956



    Scopes are legal on muzzleloaders during the regular firearms seasons in MN. Just not during the muzzleloader season.

    You said it

    I believe if you walk cross eyed into the eye doctor, he can write you a note for one in muzzy season… I have heard of this done…. I can’t do it.. I get headaches from crossin em too long

    Posts: 2389


    I believe if you walk cross eyed into the eye doctor, he can write you a note for one in muzzy season… I have heard of this done…. I can’t do it.. I get headaches from crossin em too long

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