Nikon makes good stuff. I don’t own that scope, but if scopes were legal during our muzzy season in WI, I probably would!
(I do have a 1x Nikon scope for my Encore and I love it… 1x is allowed in WI) Muzzys can be VERY acurate at distance for sure (even just with a 1x scope!).
Penetration might be a limiting factor at distance depending on the game?? (Due to large frontal area / relatively slower speeds…. More knowlegeable people than myself probably have more info on this?? Anyone shoot deer at over 200 yards with a muzzleloader?)
Either way, looks like a sweet scope for sure. I have a few Leupold B&C reticle scopes and I LOVE em. Once you get them sighted in and practice with them, they are just AWESOME! I would assume that BDC reticle would be very similar.
Good luck! 