scent eliminators

  • lick
    Posts: 6441

    last year i used the primos silver xp deoderant scent eliminator spray body soap and shampoo with mixed results i thought

    was going to switch to dead down wind this year but then i thought why not ask the rest of the crew for there input what brand do you guys use???

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    DDW Evolve3

    durand WI
    Posts: 316

    99 for me

    Posts: 29

    I use sent away products, I have not noticed a problem with deer winding me.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 491

    I make my own scent killer spray. Really cheap and seems to work really well.

    Marshfield WI.
    Posts: 479

    I smoke up

    I was taught this back in 2005 from some folks that hunt for a living, it’s their bread & butter and if they depended on it to get some good filming for their shows. It was time to pay attention to their ways!

    Oak leaves only – I rigged up a small new Weber grill the model thats only a 1 ½’ in diameter, I set my dry oak leaves in it, light them and then lay some more leaves over the top of the lit leaves or use the cover to control the smolder all you want is the belching white smoke with no flames

    I smoke up my hair –hat and shirt, gloves, face mask, safety vest, jacket, pants and all once you have the small items done I just stand or huddle around/in my white belching smoke coming from my grill to get it on my pants and jacket. Don’t over smoke the outer layers your hair and under garments need it more than the outer jacket and pants

    Does it work? I have seen some pretty cool stuff using this method. And have shot and let go some pretty nice bucks.

    It was always cool to do this at the hunting camps – at first the other hunters in camp would look at you like you were messed up or something but by the 2nd or 3rd day they were smoking up with you hoping to see a chance to harvest a buck of a lifetime

    A few years back, someone has been marketing a little smoker kit that uses hardwood chips I think.

    But I still use the Oak leaves

    I still believe in good scent control practices as far as washing up and keeping all your stuff as scent free as possible, but I add the smoke to my game which for me has been very affective.

    Good Luck this Fall!

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    JDX – I’ve heard about using smoke but have never tried it. Does it work better in areas where deer are more accustomed to smoke (more populated areas)? Would it work as well in big tracks of land where humans don’t live?

    After you smoke up your clothes, do you place them in a bag until you get to your hunting area? After you smoke up your hair and your body, do you then get in your truck and drive to your hunting area rr do you drive to your hunting area and then smoke up?

    Why do you think Oak leaves work? Are you trying to create a natural smell? Are you trying to eliminate human order? Are you using it as an attactrant?

    Anyone ever try

    Marshfield WI.
    Posts: 479


    If I go to camp I will bring my mini Weber along and I have a nylon feed bag, (like the feed mill uses for shell corn) that I store my oak leaves in I like using the nylon mesh bag due to it’s real tough when carrying it around getting leaves and hauling around from hunt to hunt any oak leaves that have went thru their fall cycle or have been dried up from some branch trimming work well.

    As far as the oak only – it has something to do with the rosins in the smoke that will kill or slow up the odor causing bacteria and it’s a very common smell that animals are used to do to camp fires, brush burnings, and wild as well as camp fires. I was told to only use oak leaves

    It works as a bacteria neutralizer, and cover scent which actually works well bonding with your natural moister vapor steam that is always being released in the air trail down wind of you.

    It also has been stated that the strong smoke smell messes with the animals ability to detect the human odor momentarily thus not alarming their senses. I for one have seen this in action while filming. We all know what happens when we touch brush and how deer will freeze panic and blitz, now after being smoked up watch the deer stop smell the brush you contacted and continue as if nothing happened – this is unreal.

    If hunting around home within 15 min. of the house I will smoke up myself and cloths at home, then throw my jacket on when at the woods. Otherwise if at a camp I will smoke up right before heading to the woods.

    We have all had monster bucks as sharp as they are that show up down wind of us and it is so cool to watch them and they have no idea your there, also for me I always thought this was a key element in the game while in the bluff country with all the thermos and whirl winds. So many times I would come back to camp stating the unreal number of deer sighting I had, where others had a tough day and didn’t see much. I like sitting all day and I really feel that when covering all the details possible that this has diffidently hooked me up with some very leery monsters

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