Hummingbird Migration 2024

  • jwellsy
    Posts: 1693

    The Hummers are making their way across the Gulf.
    They’re starting to show up in the Southern most states.

    I’ve not been very happy with feeders the past few years, with them leaking.
    I tried a new style feeder last year that worked out really well.
    It’s one of the cheapest ones at Lowes. But, works great.
    It has a ~9″ diameter clear base that’s about an inch deep and has a metal thread insert in the middle of it. The red top just sits o top of the base .
    The hanging rod passes through the top and screws into the flat base.
    I picked up another one of these flat feeders that can’t leak this winter.
    I’m anxious to set them out.

    Posts: 1693

    They’ve reach the Southern borders of Tennessee & Missouri.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5865

    Leavenworth Ks, and one sighting both East in Ohio and one to the West in Colorado.

    Posts: 1693

    Hummers have made it to the Southern border of Illinois.
    I’ll put my feeders out either next weekend or the second weekend in April.

    Posts: 1693

    They’ve made it to St. Louis. Looks like some of them are following the Mississippi River.

    Posts: 2898

    Our town Facebook group has already had a couple of random, 1-off reports of a few early arrivals… I guess there’s always bound to be a few, especially given the warm early spring. Walking through the woods this weekend I did see a few early blossoms, but I think anything this far ahead of the pack is going to have a rough go…

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8945

    Mid 70s this weekend will bring sightings all the way up to the Twin Cities I’d imagine.

    Ron F
    Rochester MN
    Posts: 71

    I see a report on hummingbirdcentral of a sighting in Des Moines on 4/8.

    Posts: 1693

    They’ve made it to Green Bay.
    I’ll put my feeders out this weekend.

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1593

    Any Minnesota reports yet? Orioles?

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    i keep track/make notes of my gardening stuff, also started writing down when i put up the bird feeders……the past 2 years i’ve put the hummingbird feeders and oriole feeders up the first week in may!!!!

    so thats on my list for next week!!!!!!

    the odd thing is, with the totally different springs the past 2 years, this one seeming early and the year before never seemly getting here, ….. we are not very far apart from when i’ve started the garden or put up the bird feeders.

    Posts: 24542

    I havent seen any orioles or hummers yet. We usually have orioles every spring but then the disappear come mid summer no idea why.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    I havent seen any orioles or hummers yet. We usually have orioles every spring but then the disappear come mid summer no idea why.

    same here!!!!! doah they seem to leave after there done nesting???????

    i still leave the feeders out until the wasps become a problem!!!!

    Posts: 24542

    Glenn that is what I figured too. Still love to see them but I wonder where the heck they go? Perhaps to the river or something I think.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    Anyone seeing morning doves? They appear to be AWOL here?? crazy

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18967

    Same here with Orioles. They come in hot in the spring then leave after nesting.
    No Orioles yet at my place. My resident cabin catbird hasn’t shown up yet either. There has been one nesting in my yard for years. Thought I heard a Thrasher yesterday but it may have been a drunk robin.
    Edit-I can see it from a distance but looks like a Catbird which has a very similar song to the Thrasher.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12418

    Anyone seeing morning doves? They appear to be AWOL here?? crazy

    I’ve been seeing them for awhile, and saw about 10 this morning.

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    I have a pair of mourning doves in Cottage Grove. Saw a flicker today in Ravine Park.

    Posts: 4339

    Anyone seeing morning doves?

    Been seeing a bunch and hearing quite a few more.

    Posts: 24542

    I hear doves every morning. THey never left for the winter here.

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1593

    I’ve had at least 4 doves for about a week and a half. No catbirds or orioles yet. HB feeder went out today.

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    Chickadees are my favorite.

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    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    finally seen a pair of doves earlier this week, looked like that wanted to add on to a nest from last year!!!!

    but the oriole and hummer feeders out yesterday also!!!

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    I saw a killdeer in Woodbury and a few cranes in Prescott. Lots of turkey vultures too.

    Posts: 1693

    The little hummers finally showed up at my house today.
    I saw them at my feeders at least 6 times today.
    They were looking pretty skinny.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I have lights strung on a cable around our patio, and there is a female hummingbird (assuming it’s always the same one) that sits on the cable all the time. She literally perches there more than she’s not there. Sometimes, she lets others eat on the feeder while she’s there, and other times, she dive bombs them. They’re so fun to watch!

    Posts: 24542

    Thats really cool I see them sit in our lilacs every once in a while. Those little buggers dont sit long!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18967

    They are 100% at my cabin in NW Sconny along with Orioles. Its spring!

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Here’s our little friend sitting on her usual perch.

    1. PXL_20240520_004537159.jpg

    Gregg Gunter
    Posts: 1059

    Today I saw a pileated woodpecker flying across Radio Dr in the middle of Woodbury. And then another one behind it. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a pair of them before.

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