Will take more than 1 video to learn your depth finder.
Start here:
Read your manual. It explains HOW your sonar works. Understanding exactly what is happening is the only way to understand what you are seeing.
What creates an Arc for example –
What the colors mean.
How SI sonar is entirely different than 2D sonar, yet in many ways the same.
When on the water learning. Start with things you know.
Go by a dock – look at your screen. You might be surprised to see what a dock looks like. By understanding the technology and how the SI works, you’ll be able to understand why the dock shows up on your screen like it does.
Go by a sunken tree, the shoreline, weed edge, etc…Things you know – then see how it shows on the SI.
Again, Spend time on BBC. There are years of screencaptures and explainations to the images.
The other sources mentioned have bits and pieces of info.
Like mentioned, the helix operates no differently than the origional side imaging unit that’s 10+ years old. The technology didn’t change. So start reading those threads.