Humminbirds/I pilot Link Help

  • Hilltopper
    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 135

    Anyone willing to help a guy out with ethernetting my 2 humminbirds and I pilot link.

    I have the cables and the 5 port all installed and it did not work. I don’t know what to do know. I am willing to come to you. I live 30 mins. East of Hudson. I can pay with Beer.



    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    What model numbers on Humminbirds?
    Have you installed the latest software on
    the Humminbirds
    the controller
    the remote

    what shows up on the accessory test screen?
    does it show a network on the network screen?

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 135


    I need some help with this..

    Posts: 43

    did you figure it out. Like what eyekatcher said, what shows up on accessory test. And which humminbirds do you have.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    Notes from our PMs

    958 c HD at console
    859 ci HD at bow
    I should mention that the 958 will not read the external puck. SBC had previously networked them together to use one gps.
    All software is updated. defaults reset.
    I have all the cables linked to the 5 port, humminbirds and the i pilot link.
    The 958 does not read the gps through the network. I did not check the accessory screens. I assumed it was not working, when i did not have gps. Do i need to reconfigure some thing in the 958 controls?

    on the Network Source Setup Dialog Box (may have to do this on the 958)
    press the right arrow to move the selected tab(column) till you get to the GPS tab
    then go down arrow on that column till you can set the 958 selection to point to the same GPS source as the 859 uses.

    No selection at that point for the 958 on either unit. I do the the source dialog box on the 859, but not on the 958

    The two units are not reading each other. He believes that the new software updates have made it that they don’t read each other.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 48

    Contact Humminbird. They told me I would be able to network a new Helix 10 with my old 858. Humminbird has pretty good on-line chat help.

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