Humminbird Solix 10 Chirp Mega Si Gps Combo

  • Terny
    Posts: 23

    Does anyone have any Experience with the new Humminbird Solix 10 Chirp Mega Si Gps Combo?
    I know the older onix had problems with software bugs and were phased out to the solix. just wondering if its worth the extra $ over the helix 10 mega si.

    Thanks for any input

    Craig Sery
    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 1210

    Is the solix just touch screen and helix isn’t?

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    I’ve got an Onix 8si. There was a software update along the way that helped a bunch. Pros and Cons vs my buddys Helix G2N si comparable model.

    Touchscreen is nice. There were some other nice features for customizing the view that the Helix doesn’t have. Few other differences I can’t remember. Helix had the 3 hot buttons for views, if those didn’t make it into the Solix they should have.

    Worth the money???? Total personal preference.

    fwiw, Helix had some software problems of it’s own. Notably bad shallow water readings with hard bottom. Really makes a mess of mapping. Heard that might have a fix last fall but haven’t tried it yet.

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