Humminbird Helix 8 Networking questions

  • Lund1775
    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 90

    I have a Helix 8 G4N MSI+ on the dash, I am wanting to network another Helix 8 on the bow. To save money I was looking at the Helix 8 G4N MDI/GPS CHO and just connecting them to the transducer in the back. My Terrova only has the US2 sonar so I would like to see the same depth on both screens from the back. Has anyone done this? I am new to these units, I have seen what they will share when networked. I am wondering what I would be able to read from the front. If I have Side imaging running on the console can I use the normal sonar up front? or will they show the same screen?

    Posts: 62

    I believe in your situation, you can save even more money and just get the Sonar/GPS combo. The only reason you’d need the MDI is if you had the MDI transducer on your trolling motor and wanted to use that. Otherwise, you should be able to share those transducers on the back of the boat through the ethernet network.

    Each unit will operate independently, they don’t “share” screens. You can look at SI on one and 2D on the other, or whatever.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 90

    So the Helix 8 Sonar/GPS would show me DI(or whatever) if I had them on the ethernet network coming from the transducers in the back? Might be a dumb question but like I said I am new to this and don’t want to over spend if I don’t have to. That is what I am seeing on Humminbirds transducer support grid chart.

    Posts: 62

    Right, as long as you’re networked to a DI/SI unit you can see those on the standard unit. The transducers need to be plugged into the DI/SI unit though.

    Disclaimer: I have this set up on my boat based on what I read off Humminbirds website and forums, however I haven’t tried it yet. I have a SI on the console and DI on the bow, but I have a DI transducer on my Terrova. I haven’t tested viewing SI on that DI unit at the bow yet. Everything I’ve read, including from the manufacturer, says it should work though.

    I will be testing it out this weekend though )

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 90

    I appreciate the help, that is what I am seeing as well, I can get a Helix 7 G3N MDI CHO unit for even cheaper. Since it will be on the bow I am thinking that will work just fine for me. Not trying to go broke for a 2nd unit.

    Posts: 105

    You can network a SI / DI unit to a non SI / DI unit and get the image from the SI / DI transducer connected to the SI / DI unit displayed on the non SI / DI unit via ethernet networking.

    You will be able to see different transducer feeds on different screens (IE – bow could be running SI from the transom transducer & helm unit could see the 2D from the trolling motor transducer; you just have to make the appropriate selections in the networking menu.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 90

    Perfect! Thanks for the response. I believe G3 and G4 can network easily as well correct? I believe its the older generations that might need the network switch?

    Posts: 3403

    It won’t show mega on the other screen if it isn’t a mega unit. It will still show SI and DI but in standard. That is what I was told by humminbird when I asked. It looked close on the non SI unit though just a smaller screen. I am sure it was shown as standard SI on the 9″. comparing a 10″ to 10″ screen I am sure you could see the difference.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 90

    Not a huge issue for me as long as it still uses SI/DI. Mainly would like it for sharing waypoints and seeing depths from the back. I have another fish finder hooked up to my Terrova’s US2 but its a lowrance so getting the Humminbird would be helpful for newtowrking.

    Posts: 105

    You only need a network switch for more than two connections. So, locator to locator, no issues; two ethernet dongles + a cable.

    Add in a third component (ilink trolling motor / etc) then you’ll need a switch.

    On this:

    It won’t show mega on the other screen if it isn’t a mega unit. It will still show SI and DI but in standard. That is what I was told by humminbird when I asked.

    I believe this is only going from Mega to non-Helix units. I am about 90% certain that I can see Mega on my Helix 7 G2 (non mega) from my Helix 9 SI Mega, but if you’re linking to a 899 / past series you cannot see Mega.

    Posts: 3403

    It has to be helix to helix, or solix to solix to share anything but waypoints. When I replaced a Helix with a solix I found out the hard way they wouldn’t share sonar. I can’t say if you can share anything other than waypoints with an older unit like a 1199 but I highly doubt it. I am just stating what I was told from humminbird that mega unit will not show as mega on a non mega unit. It still looked good to me but that is what I was told.

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