I want to use my hummingbird helix nine generation three in my truck for the GPS in the winter time. Do I need to buy that whole four or five part plug to just get power and GPS or is there a better way to go? I’m sure that’s an ultra expensive plug being it’s a Humminbird part. Using the plug in the boat is too much work to take out. Will cord make the GPS work? It must right, No one would care about just power would they? https://www.scheels.com/p/humminbird-pc-helix-12v-dc-power-cord/08232405477.html?store=&gclid=CjwKCAiA25v_BRBNEiwAZb4-ZZa0GtBqE5-88vNL8icdOdpQSuVgOOhTQymnnM4bGnQCphT5wWeVUxoCNw0QAvD_BwE. Forget this post it does work, how do you delete a post?
December 26, 2020 at 9:34 am