Hugs and kisses for Sharon

  • fishingchallenged
    Posts: 314

    Wishing you the best on your difficult journey Sharon! Better to have loved and lost, than to not have loved at all.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1309

    Wishing you the best.

    Blaine, MN
    Posts: 5431

    While some anniversaries we look forward too there are others that we do not. I am sorry that this is one that you do not look forward too. Relive the memories, cherish the time you had, not much else can be said besides I AM SORRY.


    Posts: 6712

    You are loved by many Sharon, keep your chin up and never stop with those awesome smiles!!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Sharon, enjoy the memories. You guys made many and you’ll have them for your entire life. Wish I could give ya a hug kiddo

    Posts: 2872

    Memories are forever Sharon.God Bless and keep that smile going.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22985

    Every day helps, but we never forget. Hugs

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5591

    Thank you everyone for all of the comments, messages, and texts, and all of the amazing support and love I am feeling today. I knew today was going to be rough so I took the day off for some therapy in the form of a bubble bath, baking, sipping coffee while snuggling with the boys, and journaling. A good friend came by for a visit and we looked through scrapbooks, shared stories, and he generously let me cry in his arms, which is something I really needed to do. The waves of grief have been powerful today, but not as powerful as the love and strength I feel from all of you, friends, family and also from Billy. His amazing spirit continues to give me strength, courage, and hope for the future. 🧡

    1. 20201103_172445.jpg

    Posts: 1671

    Thoughts are with you Sharon. I’ve never met either of you, but Bill would be so proud of how strong you are I’m sure.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 925

    I truly believe our lost loved ones are always around in some way. I’m happy to read that you took the day for yourself. I hope Remi and Fritz are giving you extra snuggles today!

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