Huge Pike Caught in Boundary Waters

  • Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6158

    Cool story with pics in link to Outdoor Life

    Huge Pike Caught in Boundary Waters Would Have Broken Minnesota’s State Record, Except for One Technicality
    “We were so excited about the fish, so pleased to see such a remarkably huge pike, that we just didn’t think about taking photos of its measurements”

    By Bob McNally

    Posted On Jun 11, 2024 7:03 PM EDT

    A Minnesota angler with a massive pike.
    Skorloken hooked the pike from his canoe, and he had to paddle after the fish just to keep it hooked. Photo courtesy Jacob Skorloken

    The Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness spanning northeast Minnesota and southern Ontario has been a haven for generations of outdoorsmen. This includes Jacob Skorloken, who caught one of the biggest northern pike in state history during his 21st annual canoe trip through the area last month. The 39-year-old was paddling, fishing, and camping the BWCA with his father, Steve, and a few other buddies.

    “It was the third day of our 10-day trip, and we’d stopped at a favorite deep hole in Crooked Lake, part of the Basswood Lake system,” Skorloken tells Outdoor Life. “I was alone in one of our three canoes when I dropped a 3/8-ounce blue-and-black jig over the side.”

    He says he let the jig sink down to the bottom. After one lift of the rod tip, he felt something huge hit the lure in about 18 feet of water.

    “My dad and brother-in-law were in another nearby canoe, and I told ‘em right away it was a big one,” Skorloken says. “But I thought it was just a good walleye.”

    After fighting deep for a few minutes, the fish made the first of three sizzling runs. It peeled off 50 yards of 6-pound line and put a deep bow in Skorloken’s 6-foot 6-inch spinning rod.

    “It’s a miracle my 6-pound line didn’t cut during the 20 minutes I fought that pike,” Skorloken says. “I just got lucky. The jig hook was barbed perfectly in its mouth. The fine line must have fit between its large sharp teeth, so it didn’t cut the mono.”

    The fish was too strong and hard to turn with light tackle, so Skorloken had to paddle after the pike just to keep it from spooling him. His dad and brother-in-law kept up alongside him, holding their canoe against his own to offer some stability.

    “I eventually worked the fish to the surface, but I couldn’t pull it in,” Skorloken says. “We finally got it in our net, and started to lift it, but the net handle started to bend. That’s when we paddled to shore, and [my brother-in-law] grabbed the net hoop to keep it from breaking.”

    After reaching shore, Skorloken held up the huge northern for a few photos and took some basic measurements. He says it was 47.5 inches long with an 18-inch girth, which would have beat the standing Minnesota catch-and-release record by three quarters of an inch. (That record is actually a tie between two 46.25-inch pike, one of which was caught in Basswood Lake.) But because they didn’t photograph these measurements, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources can’t consider the fish as a potential state record. Still, that didn’t keep the agency from bragging about Skorloken’s pike on social media.

    “We were so excited about the fish, so pleased to see such a remarkably huge pike, that we just didn’t think about taking photos of its measurements,” Skorloken explains.

    After they returned from their 10-day camping trip, Skorloken contacted the DNR about the pike. That’s when learned about the record technicality he’d overlooked in his excitement.

    “It would have been great to have the record, but I already have a replica mount of the pike being made by a taxidermist, so I’ll be able to re-live that memory every time I see it on my wall,” Skorloken says.

    The mount will also be a constant reminder of the draw that the Boundary Waters still has, even after all the years he’s explored the area.

    “I’ve fished there for 21 years, and I love that area more than anywhere else in the world. I first went there with my dad when I was 18 years old, and I’ll be going back to the Boundary Waters for many years in the future.”

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18989

    I’m of the opinion that’s its become harder and rarer to catch a trophy sized northern pike than it is to catch a muskie.

    You can see in the photo that fish is massive just from the size of the head.

    47.5 inches with an 18 inch girth is huge, but it still pales in comparison to the so-called 45 pounder from Basswood Lake that was the historical state record caught in 1929.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3474

    cool article, thanks for sharing. good stuff. I’ve never heard crooked lake referenced as part of basswood lake before.

    Posts: 13046

    Some giants in crooked for sure. Gim what do you consider a trophy pike? I have caught 4 39+ biggest 43in in MN and 1 Muskie. Rarely fish for either however.

    Posts: 9365

    I’m of the opinion that’s its become harder and rarer to catch a trophy sized northern pike than it is to catch a muskie.

    Completely dependent on where you’re fishing. In the metro, muskie easier for sure. In the BWCA, most lakes have big pike yet and there’s (maybe) one lake with muskies.

    cool article, thanks for sharing. good stuff. I’ve never heard crooked lake referenced as part of basswood lake before.

    Seems like a typo meant to be Basswood *River* System

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18989

    Some giants in crooked for sure. Gim what do you consider a trophy pike? I have caught 4 39+ biggest 43in in MN and 1 Muskie. Rarely fish for either however.

    I would go with what In-Fisherman lists as the trophy status for those species in this region.
    Specifically, a trophy pike is classified as 40 inches. A trophy muskie (pure strain) is classified as 46 inches and tiger muskie is listed at 38 inches.

    The MN DNR now classfies any northern pike that is 30+ inches in length to be considered “big.” Given the percentage of pike in the snot rocket or slime dart variety these days, a 30 incher is good size. I personally think a pike that is 35 inches or longer is pretty rare. I catch about one that big every season when I am bass or muskie fishing.

    Tswoboda has a good point though too. Definitely relative to where the fishing is being done.

    Posts: 1858

    I’ve never caught a big pike but I would consider 40″ a big pike. I have caught a couple big Musky and a big musky is 50+. I agree that it does seem harder to catch a big pike than a big musky. Alot of areas have fishing clubs and stocking programs dedicated to musky though, and I don’t think anybody cares about the pike. Too bad though I often fish pike and bass interchangeably depending on my mood for the day, would love to catch a beast with a head like that.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12631

    I think there are plenty of big pike out there, I think it’s more of no one targeting them except for unique circumstances and/or just on the big lakes. Can’t say I’ve seen many stories of ones that big tho! TMF’s 44″ off of ML is still the biggest I’ve ever seen in person, and I think we caught a dozen over 35″ that day.

    Posts: 24956

    Any pike over 40 in MN is a trophy. 47 incher!? That is a once in a lifetime fish if you are lucky! Muskies have to hit 50 to be a trophy for me, but Id never mount one.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17530

    I think there are more people fishing Mille Lacs for Pike then people realize. They just don’t talk about it.

    If I was to target big Pike in Minnesota it would be in River systems or large deep lakes.

    Posts: 5321

    I’ve been blessed to catch a couple 40″+ fish in my life, miss here in the city and Canada. Anything over 40 is freaking sweet, 43+ is ridiculous, and 45+ is a unicorn around here afaic.

    Congrats to angler. 6# test on top of it. All the things that have to go right for that fish to come topside is truly a feat. toast toast

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