OK, took a trip down to the newly “ not finished” boat launch, and here is my current assessment … aka the good, the bad, and the ugly
The Good – it’s getting closer to being done. It will be 4 launches eventually which will be nice, but it’s a bit interesting how to get to the far launch in my opinion as you have to take a tight corner to make your way around. There is no drop box I could see, so I guess you can’t pay currently… 😊 More spots are nice also.
The Bad – while a few boats did launch there this morning on the “one” and only launch that is technically open, I know one person who could not launch due to the current status of the launch who ended up over at Kings and then had to drive over to pick up his group.
The Ugly – for sure the grade of the launch needs to be addressed. What also needs to be addressed is the boulders, yes, I call them boulders that were very obvious and close to the surface on the three launches currently not open. One is right next to the dock, the others scattered about over the three launches. I would call those prop and lower unit eaters. The guy who was tied up at the launch referred to them as treacherous.
Hopefully, the city and contractor gets these issues corrected soon.