This might be a silly question to some of you but I have owned many boats but not a lund Yet. I have noticed that the lunds require more HP then other boats in the same weight and size class. Just wondering why this is ?
I also noticed a huge range between the min and max HP rating. With the min HP bringing forth a nice mph at that.
So with that said I guess I have one more question………
Old school I was taught to go 2\3 between the min and max HP and you were good.
Now then a lund I am thinking about is rated 135 to 225 with 43mph min to 55mph max.
So with the old school way I would run 180 – 200 and call it good.
Now then dealers all across the usa are pushing 150 merc Verodos on this boat and claim it is the perfect engine.
Now folks have told me you need at least the 200 on this lund to be correct and just about every dealers is rigging with 150. What is the deal here ?
Thank You