How would you have reacted?

  • AUTO_5
    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    Me and my dad were out in the front yard working on my truck this afternoon when a black car pulled up and parked on the street in front of my house. A bigger guy than I stepped out of the car(turns out he was delivering for amazon) and my dog(very sweet, small, female black lab 1 yr old) ran over to greet him before I could call her off. He reared back and kicked her, and as I approached them she was still near him trying to get some attention. He kicked her again in the ribs REALLY HARD. At this point I was fuming and got in his face cussing at him, and I really thought it was about to go down. My dad was also giving him an earful. Me and the guy both called the cops and some other people walked over when they saw the commotion. Long story short, the cops came and talked to both of us and ruled that there was nothing he could do seeing as it happened just barely off our property and the guy was probably just scared and defending himself. While I agree that I should have had better control of my pup, I REALLY don’t like the fact that he kicked my dog hard twice when she was obviously very happy and friendly, not to mention she is tiny and still a puppy. The guy also lied big time and told the cop that the dog bit him twice. I am feeling bummed because I tend to be hard on myself and keep debating if the reason I refrained from hauling off on him was because I thought ahead about the legal consequences or if I was deep down nervous to hit him and possibly get my a** hand d to me. My dog is very very important to me and I feel like I chickened out and let her down. My dog seems fine and for that I’m grateful. I also learned from the experience and am going to do my best to keep her from getting into those kinds of situations. Thanks for letting me vent.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4092

    Sorry, kind of skimmed the post as I get ready for work but I noticed you said the guy told the cops your dog bit him twice? I’m not sure about every municipality but around where I live a dog bite generates a police report. So if he said that and your city has ordinances like that, there should’ve been one, and at that point maybe you and your dad and every other witness could state that it did not happen. I know there’s a lot more to your story that I’m sure others will address, but that’s what stuck out to me, that he lied to the cops on something that possibly should’ve generated a police report. One of my dogs just barely nipped at a vet with a muzzle on one time and the cops ended up calling me, no big deal but they said they had to do it and file a police report every time.

    Morel King
    Posts: 524

    I would’ve stomped his moon … no I would’ve reacted the same as you . Just glad to hear your dog is ok , I’ve been bit by a pit bull so i do have a real fear of dogs maybe that was the case with this guy

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Well, now you have a police report against your dog. Not good.

    As big of a douchebag the guy is, you did not have control of your dog as you are required. I’m not calling you out, my dog has done it dozens of times but it might have been a mistake to call the cops.

    Also, keep in mind delivery people get bitten by dogs very frequently. Doesn’t matter what kind of dog, if the owners suck, they can bite.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4092

    I do also agree with biggill. Regardless of what happens, a dog owner has to have control of their dog. And like biggill I’m also not trying to call you out because my dog is unleashed outside much more often than not, so I’m plenty guilty. But in most cases if the event starts with an unleashed dog there’s the root of the problem.

    Still wondering if there’s a police report required.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3168

    As mad as I’d be my first priority would be to not have the police get involved. Especially if the dog went off your property you were in the wrong, legally. Nothing good can come from the police being involved in that case. For the safety of your dog you need to suck it up and deescalate the situation in my opinion.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21974

    Oh I have been in the same spot but I acted a little more dog was kicked twice by a guy walking by when I was wrenching on my kids dirt bike. She ran in to the road and was all happy go lucky wanted to play and the dude kicked her. I ran out and basically bull rushed him to the ground and put him in a arm bar. , long story short I took a ride down town. And the wife had to come get me. In the end no charges were pressed and it all was cause she is to friendly of a dog but intimidating. I was in the wrong but I feel he was to. I’ve never done that to a dog. And I’ve had many dogs run up to me. But seeing my girl get kicked set me off. I will always be protective of my family. I think it was a good call not swinging. But I feel your pain and adrenaline

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Get an e-collar and use it when you are outside with her.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17357

    Get use to it. With the whole world to lazy to get their own stuff there will be delivery people everywhere. Either tie your dog up or get rid of it.

    Posts: 68

    I would be calling Amazon or the shipping company and having a chat with a supervisor about his actions. It may not get you anywhere but I known would feel better about it. Just my 2cents

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    Thanks for the replies–I think most of you have some good points. I do have an e-collar but I am also guilty of not always using it when she is in the yard. As far as the police, the guy who kicked my dog was actually the first one to make the call. I mentioned that maybe I should and then he called immediately. I called right after he did and since he was lying saying the dog bit him twice I figured I would also attempt to call, even if it did little to know good. My mind was also racing at the time and I wasn’t thinking too clearly. I’m glad I didn’t hit him, seeing that there were two witnesses down the road that I didn’t see.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4092

    I’m glad I didn’t hit him, seeing that there were two witnesses down the road that I didn’t see.

    The way I read this, you’re glad you didn’t hit him because you could’ve gotten caught. I hope that you meant something else.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    The guy is a major d-bag. Not much you can do. Could have been worse.

    Posts: 932

    I would be calling Amazon or the shipping company and having a chat with a supervisor about his actions. It may not get you anywhere but I known would feel better about it. Just my 2cents

    X100 On your property or not, he should have backed off and asked you to get your dog before moving another inch. He put himself in harms way.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jonnywholesale wrote:</div>
    I would be calling Amazon or the shipping company and having a chat with a supervisor about his actions. It may not get you anywhere but I known would feel better about it. Just my 2cents

    X100 On your property or not, he should have backed off and asked you to get your dog before moving another inch. He put himself in harms way.

    You’re better off talking to a therapist to feel better. This only gives you a feeling of entitlement.

    All would’ve been avoided if the dog were under control as it should be.

    No one got hurt. No one got arrested. No one is getting sued. Swallow your pride and wake up to a new sunrise tomorrow.

    Mendota Heights, MN
    Posts: 660

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>jonnywholesale wrote:</div>
    I would be calling Amazon or the shipping company and having a chat with a supervisor about his actions. It may not get you anywhere but I known would feel better about it. Just my 2cents

    X100 On your property or not, he should have backed off and asked you to get your dog before moving another inch. He put himself in harms way.

    I do agree that this should be a consideration. It may just save another dog/himself injury or worse. The only thing I worry about here is retaliation, based on my judgement of this individual’s character and the fact that he knows where I live now.

    Posts: 95

    On your property or not, you are responsible for your animal’s actions. If the delivery man was walking up to your door on your property you are still at fault if your dog attacks. This would obviously not apply if an intruder was approaching your house on your property. I would be thankful if I were you that this did not end up worse for your dog.

    Posts: 7348

    Many people don’t know how to step outside their pet box and throw some objectivity on their behaviors. The fact you know their friendly, and they are all just playing or having fun or may be a bit intimidating could absolutely scare the living $hit of other people who don’t know. Not going at you Auto, more of a PSA.

    Wouldn’t pet bites need to be proved somehow? Whether witnesses or physical bodily harm? You’d think any crap neighbor who wanted to get rid of a dog they didn’t care for could just call and say a dog bit them.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5553

    I would have lost my s#!% if someone were to kick my dogs! Whether you personally know a dog or not you can tell if they’re running towards you happily or defensively. And if this @#$%^ was truly scared he could have simply gotten back in his vehicle. Some people just don’t like dogs and that’s fine, but they don’t need to react like that. Dogs don’t need to be kicked under most circumstances, especially kicked twice. He had enough time to see the dog was just being friendly. What if it was a cat that was running at him? Would he have punted the cat away out of fear? SMH. It’s a shame this happened Auto, and I’m glad to hear your dog is okay.

    Posts: 491

    Everyone’s OK, no one’s in trouble, be thankful, and leave it at that.

    Posts: 7348

    Whether you personally know a dog or not you can tell if they’re running towards you happily or defensively

    Very much disagree Sharon. Many people have little to no interaction with animals, and or have had a bad prior experience with em and it’s natural to that person to act defensively.

    If a HUMAN feels threatened from any ANIMAL they have every right to protect themselves. As stated from many, it’s the owners job to not put their pets, and more importantly other people in that position where quick decisions need to be made.

    Posts: 86

    Those people who have jobs that require home deliveries/home repairs/utilities services in residential homes constantly have close encounters with homeowners pets.
    Every home owner says there dogs won’t hurt anyone when the fact is good dogs will attack when strangers approached.
    If your dog is off a leash and charges towards someone and barking, that persons has every right to defend him or herself.

    Despite how friendly your dog is, it is your job to keep control of it when stranger encounters occur.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3130

    How would I have reacted? I would have gotten control of my dog as quickly as possible. Then I would have apologized to the delivery person.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2839

    Truth be had, regardless of right or wrong, I would’ve probably reacted the same as you did. In the end though, I would have been wrong to not have control of my dog. Is dog Ok? At least no one was seriously hurt. Hope that guy doesn’t sue you.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Whether you personally know a dog or not you can tell if they’re running towards you happily or defensively.

    Sharon, I would have agreed with you completely 2yrs ago and I still do for the most part. General I can tell if a dog is nice or not just by looking at it. But a situation a couple years ago has changed my mind on this subject.

    My neighbor’s friendly dog that I’ve hunted with many times decided to come up to me and just latch onto my calf for no reason. He clearly thought I was someone else but this so-called always friendly dog bit me and these things do happen. And there was nothing different looking about him. Something just went off. So now when a strange dog comes running up and I have my little kids near me you better believe I’m ready to start doing some kicking.

    Would I still be mad if someone kicked my dog definitely! But there’s always two parts to the story. Sometimes our love for dogs can cloud our judgement when it comes to other people getting scared. Just because someone else is not a dog person it’s not their fault, it’s the dog owners, myself included.

    To the OP, as someone else has said just be glad no one got hurt and move on.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    Glad no one was hurt or arrested, to me it sounds like both were real possibilities in that situation so I’d say you came out OK.

    I am animal-obsessed. Our pets are truly family and I’d have a hard time staying level-headed if someone were to intentionally hurt them.

    That said, my wife’s little brother was mauled and killed by two “friendly neighbor dogs” years ago. So I **ALWAYS** go out of my way to control my animals. All animals, even our beloved pets, are capable of shocking, unexpected, uncharacteristic behavior under the right set of circumstances.

    Posts: 9301

    If it makes you feel any better you would not have gone to jail if you live in MN. 5th Degree assault is not an arrest-able offense unless its in the Officers presence. Unless they added of Disorderly. doah

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22908

    Oh boy, I thought this was gonna be another private pond kayak event by the title… times have changed for sure. Our dog at home had the run of the neighborhood, everybody knew her. The only one’s who disliked her were the garbage men, remember the guys who used to hang off the back of the truck… she would give chase every week, it was a game to them I think. Sounds like you handled it OK and I think an E Fence would be a good investment. AMAZON is not going anywhere.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Personally,, I wouldn’t do anything and let this go completely.. By calling Amazon maybe the guy gets written up or fired or whatever and in turn fuels his motivation to get back at you. He already lied to the police about getting bit so a guy like that could cause you WAY more trouble in the future. In fact, I’d be hoping right now that he isn’t opening up a lawsuit on you claiming he was bit. SO, do nothing, and hope a letter never arrives.

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