How to get rivets from Lund for my floor

  • kerry59
    Goshen Ohio
    Posts: 8

    I have a 2019 Fury 1400 ss. I had to leave the boat at the dealer to have missing gauges and a ladder installed. It sat outside uncovered through record setting rain falls and filled with 6″ of water over top the floor. Plug The rivets holding down the vinyl floor have rust and corrosion constantly seeping out with the water. My thought is that there is a lot off water trapped and saturating the foam under it causing this. Im wanting to remove the floor to get it dry and replace the rivets. Dealer has denied they caused it and I refuse to let them touch this boat. No other dealers around. I have yet to this day have found anyone from Lund that will give me the time of day. Where can I get new rivets to reinstall the floor?

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    Fastenal? Im sure they are stainless steel rivets

    David Blais
    Posts: 766

    If you have a dehumidifier? Run that. I would also recommend an automatic bilge pump.

    Posts: 242

    I ordered the painted rivet from Lund through my deal for my Lund Alaskan, when I wanted to install another seat base )

    Posts: 534

    If you are going to go through the effort to drill out all the blind rivets to lift out the floor, I would put it back in with truss head stainless steel sheet metal screws.

    That is what I used when I restored my ’81 Lund Pike.

    You never know when you will want to be under the floor again. I doubt that you have soaked foam in you boat. My advice before you start the process of removing the floor is to pull the plug, tilt the motor up as far as you can, and raise the tongue of the trailer up in the air about 5 feet. Leave ti that way for about a good week. Most all the water under the floor will drain out.

    My guess the under floor will look some think like this.

    1. 20161212_114802.jpg

    Goshen Ohio
    Posts: 8

    On its Maiden voyage. I had to run the bilge pump several times over the course of 3 days. At first I was thinking the hull was leaking but it seem to become less and less as time went on. I figure that the bouncing around was moving the water back that had pond under the floor. My older lund with carpet had those screws that you talked about. May do that. Dont like how the rust comes out of the middle of the factory rivets, Staining the floor. thanks for the tips

    Posts: 2687

    If you are going to go through the effort to drill out all the blind rivets to lift out the floor, I would put it back in with truss head stainless steel sheet metal screws.

    That is what I used when I restored my ’81 Lund Pike.

    You never know when you will want to be under the floor again. I doubt that you have soaked foam in you boat. My advice before you start the process of removing the floor is to pull the plug, tilt the motor up as far as you can, and raise the tongue of the trailer up in the air about 5 feet. Leave ti that way for about a good week. Most all the water under the floor will drain out.

    My guess the under floor will look some think like this.

    Can not agree more with this system. Have redone enough floors in boats now I’d never rivet in a floor board in a boat ever again. The manufacturer’s system is done with no thought or care of anything other than speed and cost savings.

    Posts: 534

    While you have the floor up, you might want to mix up about a cup of household bleach and 2 gallons of water in a garden sprayer and give the under side of the deck and the top of the foam a spray. Then let it dry again, before putting it back together.

    Will kill mold and most anything that might grow. Just a thought.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    I sent this thread to the Warranty Manager at Lund, their first question was did you contact any other dealers in your area? Looks like at least 2 others within an hour or so.


    1. Goshen-OH-Lund-dealers.jpg

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    It sat outside uncovered through record setting rain falls and filled with 6″ of water over top the floor.

    Why did the rain water not just drain right out as the rain was coming down?

    Dealer has denied they caused it

    The dealer is correct, rain is a natural occurring event. When you left it at the dealership did you leave it outside or did you park it inside a building? If you wanted it covered, did you provide a cover or pay to have it stored inside? What was the agreement or did you just make an assumption?

    If you had an agreement that the boat would be inside or covered, you have a legitimate grievance. If you left it at the dealership outside with the plug installed, then that’s on you.

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