How’s it goin. Writing in reference to the Mississippi sloughs perch. South of #5. Only fished it once last year and caught a lot of dinks too, but then all of a sudden at 5pm lost 2 probably 13,s atleast at the bottom of the hole. Went back to same spot yesterday and hole hopped steady from 9am to 5pm. All same size 4 inch perch. Water depth is pretty much 4-8ft. Did find a 10 ft hole with same results. Tried bigger. Wits also slab rap,ripping rap , chubby darters and big fathead’s. The dinks hit all those before the lure but the bottom , and the minnows. My question is do you guys think the big ones are mixed in? Or because of the insane fishing pressure they are smart and lowlight hrs only? The water is high because of weather, maybe they actually went back out to the big river. But this area looks
Like spawning area so ya think they would be there somewhere. If ya Can catch 500 little ones. We didn’t bring the camera outta the truck maybe camera next time before we even wet a line. Lots of action but pretty frustaing. Lol
Posts: 52
January 23, 2017 at 10:10 pm