How much should insurance go up adding a teen?

  • eyeguy507
    SE MN
    Posts: 5255

    Was hoping someone here can relate but when we added our teen daughter to our policy, our monthly payments went from $120ish to $380ish. That’s a bit steep if you ask me?

    Is this normal around the US? She is driving our 13 year old Jeep Wrangler. I can’t imagine what it would be in a newer vehicle!

    I think it’s time to shop around but was hoping someone here could make it make sense.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 28

    She’s going to be insured on your most expensive vehicle, not the 2011 jeep.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3148

    When my 2 daughters reached driving age and were covered under my auto policy, there was no rate change at all. I have no idea what is the “norm”. I suspect this would be a topic where a quick google search would give you a broader base of input.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5255

    That is my most expensive vehicle. My truck is a 2007 worth less than 5K.

    Posts: 2962

    Ours went up about the same but we also added a vehicle with liability only.

    Posts: 682

    It’s the liability that gets you. Doesn’t matter how cheap the vehicle is, it’ll still do damage to someone else.

    West central MN
    Posts: 305

    Talk to your agent first and have them explain why it is so steep.
    If your not satisfied, switch. We did when our teen started driving, lowered our premium by 50% compared to state (sell the) farm (to pay)
    Insurance is a game of numbers. Boys are more expensive cause they wreck more stuff. Certain vehicles are more costly to repair and therefore cost more to insure.

    Posts: 2242

    If you have a dedicated vehicle to your child the cost will go up. If you carry high liability and medical coverage limits the cost will go up even more.

    If you are married and have just two vehicles adding a teen will result in almost zero added charge because they are not a primary driver to a vehicle.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1437

    Daughter is currently 18 and drives a brand new car has good grades and we live in eau Claire insurance went up about $50 a month. I’m sure where you live would have a lot to do with cost of insurance but $200 seems way high.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5255

    If you have a dedicated vehicle to your child the cost will go up. If you carry high liability and medical coverage limits the cost will go up even more.

    If you are married and have just two vehicles adding a teen will result in almost zero added charge because they are not a primary driver to a vehicle.

    Yep married, 2 vehicles and not the primary driver. Monthly payments pretty much tripled.

    Posts: 2884

    Insurance is a scam. And then God said, “let there be light.”


    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 891

    When I started driving, mid-90s, my old man never said a word to the insurance company when I started to drive. So it didn’t change.

    He did ask the insurance company a specific question, if I allow anyone to drive my vehicle will it be covered, their answer yes.

    I believe in MN, you’re covered no matter who is driving your vehicle. Might give a vehicle owner protection, say if you loan it out or even if it’s stolen.

    So anyways, he said F’em. Your results may vary.

    Posts: 25048

    I believe in MN, you’re covered no matter who is driving your vehicle. Might give a vehicle owner protection, say if you loan it out or even if it’s stolen.

    I was told this same thing by my agent. It is their job to know whether or not you have a child driving and you are not required to add them provided the vehicle is insured. ANyone driving your vehicle would be covered provided you gave them permission.

    Posts: 338

    I would say definitely time to shop around for new policy. Certain companies are better than others with teen drivers, multiple vehicles, etc etc.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12693

    If your kid has a ticket or at-fault accident or doesn’t get a 3.0 or higher GPA or both ticket/accident and bad grades in school that change would not be out of the norm. Your agent should be going thru what options are available to offset that change with you. And as a reminder IDO is great for a lot of things, insurance advice is not one of them.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5255

    I hate dealing with insurance so I didn’t really come here for insurance advice, just thinking someone here had the same thing happen when they added their kid?

    She has pretty good grades, no tickets/accidents but just started driving the wife’s 12 year old Jeep few months ago so she doesn’t drive it more than a couple times a week. I feel like these insurance companies just make up whatever they want and see if people will pay it. I will be getting some quotes next week and kicking my agent to the curb. At first they quoted me $290 which I could possibly understand but then they said their was another increase at renewal to $382 per month. Yeah FK that flame

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    And as a reminder IDO is great for a lot of things, insurance advice is not one of them.


    Rogers, MN
    Posts: 1180

    Some companies are definitely more friendly to youthful drivers than others. 3.0 GPA definitely helps. Having 3 vehicles and 3 drivers, I’m not terribly surprised by that rate jump. But it still may be to your benefit to check with other companies.

    Keep a high limit of liability. Your Uninsured/Under Insured coverage will mirror that. I’ll tell you that should the time ever happen when you need it, you won’t regret having paid for it. And let’s home none of us here ever do need those higher limits.

    AAA Insurance can be friendly to youthful, as can Safeco, Travelers, and Progressive. The first three have really tightened up Underwriting and are requiring all policies to package home and auto together. But it can be worth checking.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1291

    Teen driver……. 2019 Traverse, 2017 Malibu, 2013 F150, 2002 F250….. Prgressive…. $410/month…. He had a bad accident 6 months in.

    Good luck chased

    Posts: 4566

    Try having 2 teen boys $$$$$
    We have just liability on our 3rd car that one child is listed as the primary driver. Some insurance company’s apply his driving to all owned vehicles and some just to a certain vehicle. Best bet is talk to your insurance person and also shop around, use a Broker that can shop 15 different company’s for the best rates. We used Justin from Woods and Water on here and saved $1000’s switching from American Family that I had been a customer for 40 years to a new company.

    Posts: 4497

    When I got the truck I have now in 2022 my 6 month policy was $322. Just paid last week it was $632 for 6 months. I just turned 50 and have never been in an accident and same company since I was 17. Its bullshit that for sure.

    Posts: 1882

    When I got the truck I have now in 2022 my 6 month policy was $322. Just paid last week it was $632 for 6 months. I just turned 50 and have never been in an accident and same company since I was 17. Its bullshit that for sure.

    I’ve been waiting for the same thing to happen to me. I pay every six months and the last time nothing changed. Oct it will be due again and that’s when they tried to change it 2 years ago. I shopped around and they offered me the same rate. I might not get lucky enough to keep it the same again.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12693

    I hate dealing with insurance so I didn’t really come here for insurance advice, just thinking someone here had the same thing happen when they added their kid?

    I was just saying that as a general rule, and so people remember not to take anything from here as gospel.

    She has pretty good grades, no tickets/accidents but just started driving the wife’s 12 year old Jeep few months ago so she doesn’t drive it more than a couple times a week.

    You should have had to submit her grades, and likely another form for the no tix/accidents (at State Farm it was called Steer Clear Discount) in order to get both of those discounts on your policy. Also, if you feel comfortable going to Liability only on the vehicle, that will save you a ton as well. Those are the biggest money savers for youthful drivers across almost all companies.

    Posts: 1799

    State Farm. We have our homeowners, 3 vehicles, boat, and umbrella policies all here. No accidents in many years and the kid has a 4.0 (intelligence must skip a generation?) so that helps some.

    Before we added our 17yo son:

    08 Outback 57/mo
    15 Camry 87/mo
    19 Ridgeline 97/mo
    Total 241/mo


    08 Outback 111/mo (reduced to liability only)
    15 Camry 107/mo
    19 Ridgeline 111/mo
    Total 329/mo

    Overall I don’t feel like 90/mo was a huge increase. I’m more annoyed with the increases on the wife’s and my vehicles as the kid will never drive those.

    Posts: 4566

    But in their eyes he has access to drive them, so they charge more.

    I’m more annoyed with the increases on the wife’s and my vehicles as the kid will never drive those.

    Posts: 3319

    If you have a boy get his DL your insurance goes up $$$$$
    If you have a girl get her DL your insurance goes up $$$
    It should not be this way. If grades, location, driving record, etc. are the same the insurance ncrease should be the same. Once either of them have a bad mark on their driving record THEN the rate difference should show up. JMO

    Why do insurance companies get away with profiling and discrimination?

    Posts: 1799

    If you have a boy get his DL your insurance goes up $$$$$
    If you have a girl get her DL your insurance goes up $$$
    It should not be this way. If grades, location, driving record, etc. are the same the insurance ncrease should be the same. Once either of them have a bad mark on their driving record THEN the rate difference should show up. JMO

    Why do insurance companies get away with profiling and discrimination?

    Maybe because they’re basing this on years of hard data that clearly shows teenage boys are a greater risk and have cost insurance companies a lot more money? I personally HATE the insurance industry but this is not high on my list of gripes.

    Don’t tell me you’re one of those “men’s rights” dudes? jester

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1601

    No kids are inexpensive regardless of gender. They’re worth every penny, just not inexpensive.

    Cold Spring, MN
    Posts: 891

    If you have a boy get his DL your insurance goes up $$$$$
    If you have a girl get her DL your insurance goes up $$$
    It should not be this way. If grades, location, driving record, etc. are the same the insurance ncrease should be the same. Once either of them have a bad mark on their driving record THEN the rate difference should show up. JMO

    Why do insurance companies get away with profiling and discrimination?

    If that was the case, then a $65K Vette or Camaro should be the same rate as a $65K truck. Everything is risk based.

    Posts: 25048

    Aside from gender the other thing that really plays a role is what type of vehicle it is. Obviously a sportier car is going to be higher risk but making sure the car as all the best safety features and does well in crash tests makes a difference too.

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