So just out of curiosity since it’s along the same lines, let’s do some data collection here for S&G’s.
For those of you that say you take a spare flasher with you on longer trips, how often have you actually needed it?
I get the whole “better safe than sorry” and “2 is 1…” ideologies but it seems like extra clutter. When we do the longer trips, we pack a pickup with 3-4 guys and all the gear. If we all brought extra flashers as well, they’d just use up valuable beer space!
I kid though. I get it. And as I mentioned earlier, I will probably hold onto it this season just to see if a time arises someone needs to use it. Other than the whole TVM and NPV (any other B schoolers out there??), I can probably get just as much for it next season as I would this season.
This has been a fun thread…much longer and opinionated than I expected.