How many hours per year?

  • Adam Steffes
    Posts: 439

    What is the average IDO member putting on their main outboard in terms of hours per year? I will say I put on 75 or so per year split fairly evenly between fishing and pleasure boating with the family. I would guess more than half of that time was idle or just off idle while graphing structure and the other part was spent at cruising speed.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5125

    I think that’s about right. Most people think they put a lot more hours on than they do.

    I fish on average once a week and then have some pleasure cruising time. I think I put 89 hours on last year. A little less than half was below 2000 rpm.

    Posts: 1250

    I fish 4 to 5 days a week. Motor is at over 800 hours now. 2016 boat/motor. I purchased it in August last year. Boat has never been owned by what you’d consider an average fisherman. I’d say I average 110 to 150 hours a year.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11059

    Pontoon with a 115 merc 4 stroke.
    Took it in this past winter for tune up and impeller.
    Had 300 hours in 4 seasons.

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 942

    I average about 85 hours a year on mine. It surprised me a couple years ago when they did a read out. It seems like I put that many hours on it with just 2 one week vacations with grandkids.

    Posts: 9301

    I maybe broke the hour mark this year. doah

    Posts: 15

    I actually would have thought a lot more than I actually do. I just sold my boat this year and when I did the readout I only put on 120 hours on the main motor in 6 years. That said, the main motor is really only used from the boat landing to where I am fishing, which ends up being shorter runs. Most of the hours of run time end up on the trolling motor or kicker if I am trolling.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8971

    A few years ago I put on 166 hours in a season. This was before starting a family when I fished 4 days a week and did a lot of trolling. I’d be shocked if I’ve put on 35 hours this year on the motor. Part of that is due to fishing substantially less, part of it is due to getting on some phenomenal bites only a few minutes from one of my main launches for most of the year. We’ve bought some property that buts up to our current piece and will be building a new home in late Spring. I’ll bet my boat sees even fewer hours next year. I’ve played with the idea of even “selling high” on the fishing boat and going without a designated fishing boat for the remainder of this year and all of next year before trying something different once the build is done.

    I bought a 2016 tritoon last summer for the family outing days. It had 51 hours on the 150hp motor and the original owner thought they used it “quite a bit.”

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18732

    I don’t put many hours on my main outboard per season because I only use it to go from point A to point B to point C and then back to the access, and I primarily fish small to medium sized lakes. Obviously some people use theirs to troll or back troll so they’re essentially using it the entire time they are fishing.

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 104

    I used to think I used mine a lot. But I also have a 2 and 4 year old and a wife who works weekends. I think even though I have the boat out 2-4 times a month I am probably only running the main motor maybe 30 hours in a year? That being said I do try to get it in the water from March through December with the only gap being for deer hunting.

    Posts: 1507

    Not as much as I thought. Like others point A to B and main motor back to landing. rarely troll but the hours on the trolling motor oh boy applause

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    I don’t put many hours on the big motor. But my trolling motor gets a lot.

    Posts: 3403

    My main has just over 300 hours in 6 years. I wish I knew how many hours the kicker has. My guess is that has 800-900 hours.

    critter 1
    Posts: 127

    530 hours in 3 1/2 years per last check. I’m on the river alot. Year round.

    Posts: 96

    My 100 hr oil change light usually comes on in August. I just reset it and change oil at the end of September. So I guess about 120 to 130 hrs. I fish about 20 days a month and often run 30 Miles round trip.

    Posts: 6687

    almost 100 of those hours were the first year I owned it.

    It was getting common to see you tooling from Pool 4 up into Pool 2 that year!

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    I need to get a read out and it will be very very low. For the most part I’m on the trolling motor when I get to a spot. That’s when I do fish. My two big trips each year are in my partner’s boat. Plus I don’t like to fish much in the heat of summer so about 6 weeks off there as well.

    Now the family glass boat is another story. Just put on 20 hours in 9 days when my sister’s family was here. I actually got tired and wanted a break. Averaging 100 hours/year on that one.

    Posts: 1055

    Retired and got a place on LOTW and got 58 hrs on new motor so far

    Posts: 811

    184 in the last year. Just got a read out this past weekend.

    “Houston, we’ve got a problem here.”

    Posts: 461

    I don’t put many hours on the big motor. But my trolling motor gets a lot. [/quote


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