How many have had a bad cold or the Flu recently.

  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12567

    After fighting a bad sinus cold and ear ache for over 2 weeks I finally gave in and went to the Dr. yesterday. Ended up having to wait for almost a hr. and half in my car car to get in to bee seen. Ended up on two Meds. ( Amoxicillin and Prednisone ) They said sinus infections, Common colds, and flu visits are Really high right now. Both the nurse and the Dr. said its likely going to be a bad winter for colds and flu and possibly due to so many having lower exposures to them last winter. I hope this will be my only Dr. visit this year. Hope everyone else is staying healthy !!!!

    Posts: 5307

    Last year was best year with lack of illness with my 3 kids.

    This year, possibly the worst. Someone is always sick.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    When people hide from every germ possible they are bound to get really sick.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1777

    Anyone who has any baseline understanding of biology or immunology saw this coming from miles away. 2 years of isolation and social distancing has weakened many immune systems to the point that flus and colds will be much worse than they would have been for some. It’s sad really, but they’ll blame it on lack of covid vaccines and rinse + repeat for another year.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1507

    It’s been a shitty 2 months in this house.
    My wife has had the crud about 3 times now. It lasts a week and then gets better only to rear i’s ugly head again about 3 weeks later.
    Of course, I usually get it about the time she’s getting over it.
    She just came down with a nasty case of it again yesterday and today my throat its scratchy and my sinus burns so guess who’s next. flame

    Posts: 4802

    It’s been a shitty 2 months in this house.
    My wife has had the crud about 3 times now. It lasts a week and then gets better only to rear i’s ugly head again about 3 weeks later.
    Of course, I usually get it about the time she’s getting over it.
    She just came down with a nasty case of it again yesterday and today my throat its scratchy and my sinus burns so guess who’s next. flame

    We went through the same thing. Girlfriend had it then our son got it then I got it last. It was terrible and the worst headache I’ve ever had.

    Posts: 24664

    Curious do you guys take vitamins? I never used to, but early in the pandemic I decided to get a multi-vitamin with high values of Vitamin C, D and Zinc. Ive read countless studies that say they are very important.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Yep, whole family got the vid back in Aug/Sept. I think we’re on round 2 of colds since October…

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    My boy had the crud for a month. Then was vomiting last week. Diarrhea Sunday and Monday. Better today. My girl had an ear infection for the past week or so. I’ve had crud for almost a week. Seems to be almost gone now. Had a root canal about an hour ago.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12567

    Curious do you guys take vitamins? I never used to, but early in the pandemic I decided to get a multi-vitamin with high values of Vitamin C, D and Zinc. Ive read countless studies that say they are very important.

    I take a Multi vitamin in addition to extra vitamin C.

    Posts: 2918

    Only got sick once last year – basic cold. And so far only got sick once this year, also a basic cold and I’m just getting over it, now. Almost back to 100%

    Same with my kids and I’m AMAZED by that. If they ever had COVID they were asymptomatic and they had PLENTY of chances to get it. It went through the Hockey program, HARD. And they’ve both dodged it so far.

    My wife is a big believer in Norwex products and I make fun of her for it, but I will say that ever since we stopped using traditional household cleaning chemicals and went to Norwex, we all get sick a LOT less.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    Curious do you guys take vitamins? I never used to, but early in the pandemic I decided to get a multi-vitamin with high values of Vitamin C, D and Zinc. Ive read countless studies that say they are very important.

    I’ve always had a strong immune system and rarely got sick, but did the same as you once I heard about Vitamin D deficiency in so many Covid patients. Add in more exercise and eating healthier, and *knock on wood* haven’t had any sickness since the pandemic started (excluding hangovers jester ). Including when my wife had Covid, and I had another extended exposure to a Covid positive person, both prior to me being vaccinated.

    Posts: 24664

    I’ve always had a strong immune system and rarely got sick, but did the same as you once I heard about Vitamin D deficiency in so many Covid patients.

    Yeah, I always thought just spend more time outside and you will be fine with Vitamin D. I talked to a PA at the bar (no comments LOL) and mentioned that people should just spend more time in the sun and she said its not possible for us to get enough vitamin D from the sun here in MN. Seemed surprising at least in the summer months, but I am not a dietician LOL.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    I was just getting over a sinus infection when covid started. No sickness in my house since. No kids. We are careful, avoid large crowds and disinfect our hands after leaving any establishment. We also take supplemental Vit A, C, D, E, zinc and quercetin daily and multi-vit a couple times a week.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>BigWerm wrote:</div>
    I’ve always had a strong immune system and rarely got sick, but did the same as you once I heard about Vitamin D deficiency in so many Covid patients.

    Yeah, I always thought just spend more time outside and you will be fine with Vitamin D. I talked to a PA at the bar (no comments LOL) and mentioned that people should just spend more time in the sun and she said its not possible for us to get enough vitamin D from the sun here in MN. Seemed surprising at least in the summer months, but I am not a dietician LOL.

    Haha yeah it’s tough to get from the sun, but thankfully a good midwestern diet of Vitamin D fortified Milk, fish, eggs and certain breakfast cereals can. Our diet is too irregular tho, so a good supplement is easier for me.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2106

    Anyone who has any baseline understanding of biology or immunology saw this coming from miles away. 2 years of isolation and social distancing has weakened many immune systems to the point that flus and colds will be much worse than they would have been for some. It’s sad really, but they’ll blame it on lack of covid vaccines and rinse + repeat for another year.

    Yep, and children, who were also listed as the least affected, are going to have problems indefinitely -IMHO
    Two years of hiding inside is not helping your body’s immunity system to get stronger, running in to the doctor if you have a cough, sniffle or tummy ache to be diagnosed with COVID is also not helping ( that was the CDC, Fauci and talking head recommendation by the way). Sitting IN front of computer screens and not having any appreciable human interaction is taking its toll too. This is going to have long term effects on our children for years to come. I watched this happen over the past two years in the public school system I worked in. I can’t believe there are some who actually believe there was no flu last year?! It was diagnosed as COVID. IMHO

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11054

    Kids have been getting it a lot lately. Had hand foot and mouth with the 3 year old, then the 1 year old got it. Had many fevers and head colds also. Not sure how I’ve managed to stay clear of it all. I do think everyone’s immune systems are decreased a lot from the mask wearing and isolation. Definitely a double edged sword.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    This post makes me feel better! Our house has been the same kids sick for a couple days feel good for a couple weeks and sick again! Been going on for about 3 months! The poor kids have been tested so many times now there’s no way there taking another test anytime soon!

    Justin riegel
    Posts: 978

    Have and 5 and 10 year old, besides Rona last March, we have not had anything in last 18 months. We also all take a daily vitamin. I also shared an ice house for 48 hours with a person who tested positive for the rona 2 days after we got back. 10 days later and nothing. He was vaxxed I am not.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1751

    Youngest son , not vacced damn near died a month ago from covid . Have all 3 shots and so does wife , not going to chance it . We both are at risk . Minimizing contact with people , have not had a cold ,or flu , it feels good and plan on doing it for the foreseeable future .

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Youngest son , not vacced damn near died a month ago from covid . Have all 3 shots and so does wife , not going to chance it . We both are at risk . Minimizing contact with people , have not had a cold ,or flu , it feels good and plan on doing it for the foreseeable future .

    Very glad to hear he made it through. Would you mind sharing how old he is? Has he made a full recovery?

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6003

    If I start to feel crappy I megadose on C and take a regular dose of Zinc. Good luck everyone, most of your immune system is in your gut, your gut likes alot of fruits and veggies.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    We finally got over a nasty cold in our house. 2 daughters, wife and I. It passed around for about 3 weeks. Now my youngest daughter just tested positive for the Rona last weekend. So far she is the only one. The other 3 of us were vaccinated and don’t have any symptoms yet.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Haven’t noticed we have been getting sick more often. Our house just got hit with the rona. Myself, my 5 year old and 12 year old all tested positive. Wife and 9 year old did not. The kids were fine. Barely any symptoms. I had about every symptom in the book other than headaches but I would describe it as a mild case. 2 weeks after testing positive I’m mostly back to normal. Still a little stuffed up and still working back my taste and smell

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22105

    We have been healthy like normal. High exposure, being I’m on a different job site daily. No shots for us, no masks. Germs are a good thing so we have lived a normal life since covid struck and we all have stayed very healthy thus far. And I’m sure that won’t change any time soon.

    Waunakee, WI
    Posts: 165

    Anyone who has any baseline understanding of biology or immunology saw this coming from miles away. 2 years of isolation and social distancing has weakened many immune systems to the point that flus and colds will be much worse than they would have been for some. It’s sad really, but they’ll blame it on lack of covid vaccines and rinse + repeat for another year.

    Anyone with a baseline skill to do a search on your theory will quickly see that you are wrong. Throughout history, certain years have been better or worse for all types of viruses.

    Posts: 762

    Don Meier, my wife and I are with you. We follow the same plan as you do.It’s worked so far. If need be, we will be ready for another booster in 6 months. Stay healthy.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    The real crime is how little to no effort has been made to treat the illness when there are existing drugs out there and others to be identified that can treat Covid when contracted instead of sending people home for 2 weeks to get worse before going to the hospital to be treated or die. Hundreds of thousands of people have needlessly died because of the mindless single allegiance to vaccines. The medical field has stood by and let that happen. Prove me wrong.

    Posts: 5307

    You seriously think if there was a product available for big pharma that didn’t replace or hurt sales of another drug/vaccine, that they wouldnt be on top of that pushing it like they do everything else?

    That’s the thing about money, it stays true.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    You seriously think if there was a product available for big pharma that didn’t replace or hurt sales of another drug/vaccine, that they wouldnt be on top of that pushing it like they do everything else?

    That’s the thing about money, it stays true.

    Greed and Mass Psychosis are a bi*ch.

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