How long do your batteries last in permanent house

  • Jensen
    Posts: 461

    I have 2 27s deep cycle interstates in parallel in my 8×16 and they are 6 to 7 yrs old. Today the heat only gets to about 50 even on off shore power. I put tester on and 1 had 4 percent even though I leave them plugged in all year long. Water level was a bit low on one. I think its time for new ones. How long do you guys get on batteries in big house?

    Posts: 1671

    I replace about every 4 years.

    Steve Johnson
    Posts: 96

    Battery life is affected by care. Leaving them plugged in all year may be boiling the water out of your battery. RV chargers are some of the cheapest around, and if they don’t have a “maintain” mode, leaving them plugged in all the time is hard on them.
    Ditto for leaving batteries discharged in the winter- a dead battery can freeze solid, and bend the plates or bulge the case. Even if you just have the carbon monoxide detector pulling juice, it will eventually drain.
    If you get 5 years out of a set of RV batteries, especially if you are not leaving them charged and disconnected in storage, you are doing good.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1435

    6-7 years you got your money out of those time to buy some new ones.

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