How do YOU organize your ice tackle?

  • PikeFishman
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 364

    I feel like I’m at a crossroads with my ice tackle storage. I have quite a few lures and thought I had a good system but it’s starting to seem clunky. Right now I have 3 of the 3500 Plano boxes with spoons, rippin raps etc as well as a number of smaller boxes for panfish tackle. All of this stored in a Sportsmans caddy.

    How does everyone here organize your tackle? Are your spoons color coded or by style? Do you group by size?

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    I just got one of these and added a couple of the 18 compartment stowaway boxes in the bottom. I can store a 1lb propane bottle, small heater, head lamp, the two stowaway boxes, camera panner, coat hooks, extra set of auger blades, and a few other small things in the bottom. I put stuff I access more often in the top tray like my jig boxes, plastics, gulp jars, bait pucks, lantern mantels in the top tray. My Tip Lights, extra plug and wrench, and a few other things go on the outside plastic storage bins on each end.

    It’s a little heavy but stays in the Otter.

    West Central Indiana
    Posts: 414

    I use different plano boxes depending on species/size of spoon, rap, or lipless. I have my jigs in a fly box and my ice flies in a very small plano box.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    i use a cabelas tackle bag. it can hold up to 4-3500 plano boxes and has 4 side pockets that provide ample room for things like, extra spools/line, plastics, pliers, knife… Its small and light and portable. As a matter of fact, ive seen the sportsmans caddy while at cabelas and i wouldnt be suprised if this bag fit inside of it.

    i too have the problem of having too much tackle that i want to bring with me but i bought additional plano boxes so if i am targeting a specific species i just swap out the plano boxes i bring to match what im fishing. Its a pretty good system. Now, ask me about my boat tackle storage situation and its a whole different story (nightmare). I need to figure out a better system than bringing 3 tackle bags of different sizes along…

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    after re-reading your post looks like i misunderstood what you were asking a little bit. anyhow good luck with the re-org

    Posts: 357

    I am a travel light move often guy. I use a Elite 5 and all I need and use is in the case in the 2 plastic treys that come with it.

    ontario, canada, sault ste. marie
    Posts: 52

    bee what do you have your transducer sitting in?

    Mark Rasmussen
    Posts: 51

    I keep 2 thin 3600 boxes in a backpack from college (Jansport?) along with my panfish jigs… also keep anything else I need in there, like leaders, hooks, bobbers, etc.

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    Posts: 3239

    My rod bag holds 4 combos and 8 Plano 3500 boxes. I had to get a 3600 for the UL Rippin’Raps. They better work!!

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