How do you know if your Oil Pump is working??

  • gregstew
    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    I have Yamaha ProV 115 (2 Stroke) with an issue…
    I took the girls tubing this weekend and the OverHeat Alarm sounded…
    How do I know if it’s the Oil Pump or the Thermostat??
    YES, the oil was full. It looked to me like the motor’s reservoir was OK, but how do I know if it was going from there to the motor? If it isn’t, will it still pump from the main reservoir to the motor’s and overflow it??
    (It’s on a Lund Pro V if it matters….)

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    Water pump WAS pumping out water….Never checked if it was cool or hot tough….

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 857

    I think (but not sure) there a different sounding alarms on your motor. A steady alarm may mean one thing and a beep-beep may mean another – could be the water pump too even if it is pumping water.

    You should be able to verify online if there are different sounds.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 733

    Don’t forget that many motors will alarm when you meet the amount of hours recommended for yearly maintenance. Freaked out about same deal once, called a shop and they told me how to reset until I could change out fluids etc. just in case you don’t know exactly what the alarm is sounding for, like I didn’t-👍😉

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347

    It’s either a 94 or 95 motor,not sure which…It was a continuous alarm with the light on dash lite up for temp. We were tubing for about 1/2 hour when it went off…..Cooled it down for 15 or so min and the alarm went off…Went about 200 yards (No towing of kids) and it came back on. Used my 9.9 to get me back to landing so I wouldn’t do damage to motor…..If I replace the thermostat, how long should I drive it to make sure it’s OK??? Like I said, it was 1/2 of hard tubing first time….But I also don’t want to have to drive 10+ miles back with my kicker….

    Posts: 3950

    if it was an oil pump issue,it would have died along time ago,but you are stating an overheat lite,this tells me two things,the water pump is weak,or you have a defective temperature sensor,are you getting a good strong stream from the tell tale hose??? if it is weak looking and just falling out of the hose,your pump is bad or restricted,have it checked before you burn up a motor that costs $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    I assume you have a water pressure Guage like the pro v 150 would have. I had the same issue with heat with mine. The extra load of pulling a tube will show you quickly if your water pump is weak. Mine was low pressure at idle to about 3/3 throttle. You don’t realize at the time how hard the motor is working. A weak water pump won’t keep up with cooling needs….even if you have a steady stream coming out of the urine port. If you haven’t changed your pump in a few years, it’s probably time.

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