If this is a MN lake there are only two lakes that come to mind for perch and tullies. That’s Winnie and Mille Lacs. At 23″ I doubt those were tullies. They rarely get beyond 18″. Or you had a mix of tullies and whites.
You are correct on where I was fishing. We were on the north end of Mille lacs. I’m pretty good at estimating length, I called that bigger perch at 13 on the ice. When I got home and put it on a tape it was just a hair over 13in. So either I’m a liar or we were on a school of bigger fish in that lake. I myself was surprised when I saw the size of these fish coming through the ice.
The dnr stopped by (Only us and two other groups on the whole north end) so we were bound to get checked. He mentioned that one group about a mile to the east was targeting Tullibee, they weren’t catching them.