Looking to be educated on the cycle of Perch from first ice until open water – best time of day, water depth, lures, bait, structure, etc. I’m excited to see the upcoming episode of IDO, but from the preview it appears they are targeting small lakes & sloughs that are really shallow, so I’m not sure it will provide the info that will help me catch Perch where I fish. I did gain some insight from past episodes though.
I will be fishing a very small lake that is primarily 8 to 12 feet and nearly 20 at it’s deepest, very gradual drops, but has lots of standing trees and some weed areas (not sure what weeds may be there after ice-up). I’ve lucked into Jumbo Perch on many occasions on this lake both open water and ice fishing, but never consistently, just one here and there. What can I do to target Perch and avoid bluegills?
What do Perch relate to for each part of the season? Shallow water or deeper water? bugs or minnows? cover, like weeds or trees or open water?
I love Perch for eaters, and I’d like to take some pressure off the Crappies, so I appreciate any lessons you can send my way that might help me learn a thing or two about targeting Perch.
Posts: 753
December 3, 2020 at 4:43 pm