According to the cdc 209 children from the ages of 0-14 were killed in alcohol related automobile crashes in 2015 alone! When i look up school shooting deaths the highest # i can find is A total of 297 since 1980. Sooooooooooo yeah we should ban black rifles because your beer and whiskey and wine are way more important. You can believe what you want the information is out there. But why focus on the smaller issue simply because the media and government point you in that direction? Read your history then read the constitution then read all the facts from all sides then make up your own mind. I’m not in any way saying school shootings arnt bad and despicable I’m just saying that alcohol is worse. And if you can’t see that, maybe you should go to AA and sober UP!
This type of argument works if you believe that people/society can only worry about one problem at a time.
Is alcohol abuse a problem in the US? YES! We should try to do something about that.
Is suicide/mental health a problem? Yes! same.
Are mass shootings a problem? Yes! same.
This, ‘well there’s a bigger/different problem out there so ignore this one” doesn’t get us anywhere. We can care about more than one thing at a time! No one disagrees that these are big problems!
Do guns kill someone on their own? Of course not. Do nuclear weapons? Tanks? No. Do I want those to be readily available to mentally unstable individuals? No(unfortunately they kind of are in one case…).
Will shootings still happen if AR type weapons are controlled more(longer wait period, 21+, I don’t know, whatever change you can think). Definitely. I personally think the, ‘This doesn’t 100% solve the problem so we shouldn’t consider it’ argument is pretty lame though. It’s another deflecting tactic like the one above, and it’s pretty transparent.
If you knew that someone was going to come into your child’s school tomorrow with a gun, would you rather they have a pistol with a standard magazine or an AR with high-cap mags? Both result in tragedy, but I’ll take the tragedy with 6 casualties over the one with 30 any day as these are ‘inevitabilities’.