How Can We Keep Our Schools Safe?

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    Jeebus, I just left another site talking about this and this thread is shorter and even more all over the place.

    Interesting conversations always end when someone gets offended because everyone doesnt agree with them.

    Theodore Kermes
    Posts: 3

    I wonder if there was a way that we could amend the current laws? I wonder what’s preventing us from doing that?

    Posts: 19465

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JoeMX1825 wrote:</div>
    but WTF is the purpose of the AR-15 style weapons with large capacity magazines other than to kill alot of people quickly

    Joe….many thousands of people use semi-auto with handgrips and such (AR15) weapons for organized target shooting,varmint hunting.and in the right calibers, larger game hunting…..They are highly accurate,easy to use and other than the looks ,the exact same thing as any other semi-auto rifle…..

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JoeMX1825 wrote:</div>
    Sadly these threads end up going nowhere… I’d love to have a serious conservation about it, but eventually the “Nobody is taking my guns away!” folks chime in and the thread gets locked/deleted…

    Maybe because there is a lot of people -like me-who have owned all sorts of guns most of their lives……

    Does a single shot rifle not work for target shooting or varmint hunting?

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12559

    Just the differences in this post goes to show how big of a overall Problem we have in this country. Not just with school shootings but with a lot of issues. Just in this one short post we have the following of how we can stop or prevent school shootings:
    FBI Special Division – School land security
    WTF purpose Of AR-15 style weapons
    Armed Teachers
    More Hard security at schools
    Stop Media Glorifications
    Mandatory Gun locks
    Mandatory Gun Safety
    Lack of Guidance Counselors and Social workers
    Social Media
    Bring bullying back
    Bring prayer and God back
    Transgender Issues
    I hate to say it but even if all these ideas were put into place it would not stop a mentally ill person with a access to ANY weapon and the desire to do harm from doing this type of thing again. like most here I wish there was a simple answer to this issue. I’m just not sure there is a answer to it. There is just not a answer to mental illness

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1403

    Something I saw many years ago about the different type of gun debate.
    I don’t agree with everything he is saying though.

    central MN
    Posts: 10

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mudshark wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JoeMX1825 wrote:</div>
    but WTF is the purpose of the AR-15 style weapons with large capacity magazines other than to kill alot of people quickly

    Joe….many thousands of people use semi-auto with handgrips and such (AR15) weapons for organized target shooting,varmint hunting.and in the right calibers, larger game hunting…..They are highly accurate,easy to use and other than the looks ,the exact same thing as any other semi-auto rifle…..

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>JoeMX1825 wrote:</div>
    Sadly these threads end up going nowhere… I’d love to have a serious conservation about it, but eventually the “Nobody is taking my guns away!” folks chime in and the thread gets locked/deleted…

    Maybe because there is a lot of people -like me-who have owned all sorts of guns most of their lives……

    Does a single shot rifle not work for target shooting or varmint hunting?

    Can’t a slingshot kill a grouse? Yep, there goes all your shotguns.

    Can’t an arrow kill a deer? Yes, well then let’s take away all the rifles and slug guns.

    Can’t a police officer protect your home? Most the time, ok then hand over your side arms.

    Where does it end?

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12559

    Does a single shot rifle not work for target shooting or varmint hunting?

    Does a Horse not work as a way for you to get to work???
    Or a Row boat without a motor as a means to fish????

    Posts: 24594

    I have kids age 10 and 8. Neither of them, nor their transgender classmates, are part of this problem.

    Every generation is different than the last and each faces unique challenges. Blaming kids, specifically kids who are the targets of shame and bullying because of their sexual or gender identity, is some low-life stuff. Not to mention there’s absolutely no material connection there whatsoever.

    OK, I see you were reacting more so to the transgender aspect than the generations being “different” aspect. I agree with your above statement.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Does a single shot rifle not work for target shooting or varmint hunting?

    Yes….in some competitions and hunting scenarios…
    In others….no….
    There are multiple competitions that require handguns,rifles and shotguns with multiple targets attend by thousands of people(that have never killed nobody) that enjoy them as much as you enjoy fishing…….And we are to ban them all because a very few nutjobs who get national attention because they are nutjobs?
    Again Joe…..I have owned firearms ever since I was 8yrs old….handguns(revolver,semi-auyo and single shot),shotguns(pump.semi-auto and single shot) and rifles (bolt,single shot and semi-auto) including 1 that would be considered an “assault-rifle” a civilian model of the M14 only semi-auto.and never killed or shot at another human….and there are many thousands of people just like me out there……

    Posts: 2687

    Schools are easy targets.

    The perpetrators know that.

    There’s to many reasons, law’s, etc to bicker about.

    Work at making them not easy targets. How? Trained, effective people to protect and eliminate a threat as quickly as possible in schools.

    Take the gun control, fear mongering and 2nd amendment out with both sides agenda and go from there. We have made it to easy to attack a school. Take that away.

    People are really ignorant about history and disarming law abiding citizens and what it leads to. Study history or be victims to the repetitive nature of it.

    Posts: 135

    A similar post on Walleye Central got nuked it probably got too uncivil.
    I don’t have the answer and don’t want to add fuel to the fire. But what we are doing is not working. The polarizing nature of today’s society does not help.
    HOWEVER this hits close to home for me. My brothers kids go to that school. 2 were in that building and the hallway where many were shot. They all made it home PHYSICALLY safe.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5999

    When a large commercial flight crashes the FAA looks at EVERYTHING-they reconstruct the plane piece by piece-If they thought that the pilot did it on purpose they would look to improve screening-how the flight crew could identify a problem electronic detection-everything. How many deaths last year on a large commercial flight? ZERO. Thousands of flights. ZERO
    Since the 1950 traffic deaths per mile travelled have gone way down. What is the one thing that has made this happen? Trick question no One thing-stop looking for one thing! Many things about roads many things about cars, training, etc. etc. Look at and be committed to fixing everything if its important (and it is!)

    central MN
    Posts: 10

    Can somebody remind me of how well the armed security faired in stopping the deaths at Columbine?

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    We have made it to easy to attack a school. Take that away.

    I understand this is about schools and I agree in some degree. Whats the answer to when the target shifts to another soft target like say a night club or a music event? Oh wait, they are already targets. We did not make these schools targets the crimanals did this.

    Posts: 2687

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>basseyes wrote:</div>
    We have made it to easy to attack a school. Take that away.

    I understand this is about schools and I agree in some degree. Whats the answer to when the target shifts to another soft target like say a night club or a music event? Oh wait, they are already targets. We did not make these schools targets the crimanals did this.

    Totally agree with you. We need to adapt.

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    Ill be the first fool to chime in. The FBI is too busy defending itself against the president to do their jobs. its a 24/7 job these days just trying to pick yourself out of the mud that comes daily from the tweet monster.

    RIP Florida students.

    Ya lets go a head and politicalize it …..really thats the best solution you can come up with? Good God Ethel!

    I agree with “bigpike” wholeheartedly

    “Keeping schools safe:
    Bring prayer / God back into school

    Ban video games that only play death by shooting

    Make parents responsible for raising there children.

    Stop confusing children about there gender, it was picked for them. A boy is a boy and a girl is a girl.

    This would be a good start. I’m sure there is plenty more but in the world we live in none of the above statements will ever happen. Even though as a kid all these things were in our schools and I never recall a school shooting. In fact I brought my shotgun to high school on the bus so I could go hunting with buddy’s after school. Think about that for a moment.”

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    Treat online threats as serious. If someone posts about shooting up a school like this kid suposedly did, you show up at his door, throw him in general population for 20 years minimum. I believe there is a help group in place for turning people in that make these threats. Based on the stuff I read, it looks like the Feds have some splainin to do after being forewarned.
    People get off way too easy for crimes they committ in this country. He was too much of a coward to off himself, so his punishment on top of prison should be to get locked in a room with the victims families. Anything goes for as long as these families need. Unfortunately nothing will happen like usual and we the people will pay for his food and lodging for the next 60 years. Great system we have in place here.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    He was too much of a coward to off himself, so his punishment on top of prison should be to get locked in a room with the victims families. Anything goes for as long as these families need. Unfortunately nothing will happen like usual and we the people will pay for his food and lodging for the next 60 years. Great system we have in place here.

    Treating a mentally ill person like an animal does nothing. Nothing for the families, nothing for the victims, nothing for the shooter, nothing for prevention. I understand the anger but realize it does absolutely nothing beneficial. Also keep in mind that the death penalty costs almost twice as much as a life sentence.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    More like 6 years. We have the death penalty.

    Posts: 8

    Fish Thumper.You are so right on with your posts.Everybody is a Monday morning quarteback here.Is there really a solution to this happening time after time? This won’t be talked about till the next time it happens.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>eyeguy507 wrote:</div>
    He was too much of a coward to off himself, so his punishment on top of prison should be to get locked in a room with the victims families. Anything goes for as long as these families need. Unfortunately nothing will happen like usual and we the people will pay for his food and lodging for the next 60 years. Great system we have in place here.

    Treating a mentally ill person like an animal does nothing. Nothing for the families, nothing for the victims, nothing for the shooter, nothing for prevention. I understand the anger but realize it does absolutely nothing beneficial. Also keep in mind that the death penalty costs almost twice as much as a life sentence.

    mentally ill is little condolence to the families of the victims. there is no way to prevent this from happening again and it will continue again and again. I dont even bat an eye anymore as these occurances are part of every day life here in this country. next time this happens, we can only hope the gun jams long enough to take the shooter out.

    Posts: 932

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Besox wrote:</div>
    This is a new generation, a new way of thinking that has no regard for anyone but their own feelings.

    Agreed! kids these days with all the social media, impersonal interaction through gaming, etc have no consequence. Many of these kids are social outcasts. They don’t interact with “friends” like WE all used to when we were their age. They online game and shoot each other, die, and respawn. There is no recourse. They don’t have the capabilities of thinking about the consequences for their actions because they do not interact with others as people once did.
    I shoulder a lot of the blame on social media. Yes, the media in general is essentially glorifying these things and people can sit back and sickly enjoy every detail about how this latest tragedy succeeded and where it failed ie they got caught.
    Each one is different than the last one too.
    For starters, there needs to be better building security. Most newer schools are built to a higher standard and require approved access before being able to even getting into the front door, all other doors are locked during school hours. Once in, someone in the office could push one button and gates would drop from the ceiling confining someone in a small area and eliminating the ability to go beyond that at least temporarily.
    These measures MUST be mandated in each and every school. But how? Who is going to pay?
    The district my wife teaches in and our 3 kids go to is facing a referendum again and it will likely fail. Why? Because the residents are bitter about open enrollment. What they don’t understand is enrollment has actually been closed, but they will not have their minds swayed and will vote no regardless.
    So they will be forced with having 1 elementary school that is VERY unsafe due to its layout and in less than 5 years they will have to setup shipping containers to teach out of because the community is growing at a 30% clip.
    Lots of hard questions, no easy answers.

    I mostly agree but gates being locked not only locks the bad guy in, it locks the victims in too. Plus it locks out first responders coming to help. I get your line of thinking though.

    IMO mandatory talks with a mental health pro for all school kids would go along way to help them cope.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    More like 6 years. We have the death penalty.

    6 years or 6 times? The more research I do the higher the cost is.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22924

    They eat Tide pods…. meh. This generation was “raised” this way… by their parents and society… can you imagine the kid’s that the pod eaters are gonna raise ? God help us all.

    Posts: 45

    Have to get 2 cents in here. First FBI cannot handle all these complaints that come in. Why was local police not involved. I do not have a problem arming some teachers although this guy started shooting outside the building. Have doors locked so camera sees who ever wants in before door is buzzed may help some. Allow discipline to be used at home without worry of going to jail. Time outs do not work. As sad as it is, there is no way to make school 100 per cent safe. All we can do is try.

    south metro
    Posts: 636

    How many school shootings happened 20, 30 40 or 50 years ago? If so many more people have some sort of mental illness now than they did back then we’ll maybe the gene pool is getting a bit shallow? Or maybe it’s because for the last 30 years they have been telling us that violence in the way of fist fighting is no way to solve a problem or get a point accros but instead tell a teacher about it so that they can sit and do nothing but watch, over and over and over and over.a teacher cannot even restrain a child anymore without getting in trouble or fired. Now the kid is called mentally ill because you threaten them with detention or jail if they stand up for themselves and fight back. So in extreme cases all this leads to one of 2 things, either the kid says f u all I don’t need this crap and commits suicide or it’s f u all now your gonna die. I tell my daughter who is 3 to treat others how you would like to be treated and also to never start a fight but if someone else starts it that it is more than ok for her to finish it. I am convinced that this is the closest thing to the root of the problem than anything else I have heard or read anywhere. Fighting is human nature, it’s just a form of competition. And what happens when you mess with nature?

    1. Screenshot_20180216-215406.png

    Posts: 24594

    Treating a mentally ill person like an animal does nothing. Nothing for the families, nothing for the victims, nothing for the shooter, nothing for prevention. I understand the anger but realize it does absolutely nothing beneficial. Also keep in mind that the death penalty costs almost twice as much as a life sentence.

    So, what should be done with mentally ill people who perpetrate such attrocities? A parade route?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12246

    Treat online threats as serious. If someone posts about shooting up a school like this kid suposedly did, you show up at his door…

    I agree. It is well known that anyone who threatens the President, even in a very poorly thought-out jest, will have the FBI and Secret Service knocking on or kicking down their door within hours and they will have major issues.

    But threaten a school shooting on Facebook and the FBI can’t find their butts with both hands.

    As soon as it becomes well known that anyone who threatens a school will be up to their eyeballs in hot water, it will actually free up resources because there will be a lot less of it happening.

    I have to say the FBI’s dropping of the ball in the FL case, if true as reported, is very, very disturbing. If I was a citizen of FL, I would be screaming for an investigation to look into if FBI employees could be criminally charged with negligence in this case.


    Posts: 8

    One major reason schools are places where mass shootings occur are because they are gun free zones! I don’t believe these people are that crazy, they are just that smart that they know nobody will shoot back until the police show up. One other thing that drives me crazy are the stats that are thrown out there about how many people are killed by guns in the U.S. Every year. Suicides are included in this number.

    Mike Martine
    la crosse wis
    Posts: 258

    So sad , just tired of seeing this happen over and over . The politicians are so beholden to powerful special interest groups , nothing will change unless we make it happen . I am a hunter , gun owner , and an ex marine . I’m also a father of two . I just don’t see what purpose these particular weapons serve. They fall into the wrong hands too easily .If it possibly saves some child’s life by making it harder for some whack job to obtain these weapons , I have no problem with harsher restrictions on guns . I know it won’t solve it all , but it’s a start .

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