Do drug cartels, gangs or any criminal follow law’s currently on the books and will new law’s restricting high capacity mags and ar’s be strictly followed by them?
Will it affect law abiding citizens?
Do criminals or people planning harm worry about following laws?
Not that I’m aware of.
Will they find a way around any new legislation or law’s?
That’s a pretty obvious, loaded question.
Most law abiding citizens I know have safes and are at least somewhat vigilant about locking up their firearms, especially ones with hand guns and ar’s. I am not ignorant, yes there’s still a lot of firearms of all kinds buried in a closet or under a mattress.
Like I keep saying, read and study. There’s already gun control. To buy a firearm from a store, there’s law’s in place and back ground checks. There’s ways around the law’s already on the books. I’m not sure how more legislation and law’s will effectively or efficiently curb criminals? If it was geared towards criminals ways and means of acquiring firearms I would be all for it. But it seems like to me making it against the law to steal stuff, isn’t going to totally eliminate stealing. Study, research how these shooters are getting these firearms. Make decisions based on facts vs broad brush stroke blanket law’s that only affect law abiding citizens, that might not affect criminals at all. There’s so many law’s on the books for drunk drivers, but they still find ways to drive vehicles, yet we don’t blame the vehicle and try to limit law abiding vehicle owners to curb drunk driving. Drunks find ways around law’s, revoked licenses, etc.
Not against curbing a clear route that criminals take advantage of getting firearms that’s factual vs fictional.
Things that need to be done are defending school buildings themselves way better. That, I think can be agreed on while we find ways to help address firearm acquisition, mentally ill, threats made, social media clues, etc. Defend the kids, teacher’s and find ways to make the building safer and not such an easy target.
It’s scary to know how hapless and easy of a target schools are. What’s scarier to me is focusing on things that divert attention onto things that might not have any effect on curbing these shootings at all vs taking a stance and defending kids in school that are truly effective to eliminate a threat as quickly and efficiently as possible.