We have gone thru Voyageurs Houseboats out of Crane Lake three times.
Each time we used the food plan. The portions and quality was very good. You obviously can’t take a whole weeks worth with you so they make trips out to you. We went this route because we had large groups and two houseboats and bringing enough food and storing it would be a nightmare. All three times we brought food home due to generous portions.
We went to a new spot each day except when we reached Kab we stayed two nights on Sugarbush Island. We would send a couple guys out in one of the fishing boats to scout a spot for the night. A cheap set of walkie talkies help. They fill up quickly and this really worked out well plus you have someone to guide you in.
Ice is like gold on the boats. We had it delivered almost every day. There is a courtesy boat that will bring you just about anything you can imagine. We would always tip the driver heavily on his first trip, offer him a beer etc…and would get great service the rest of the week.
Get the insurance!! It’s cheap and there are a lot of rocks. Two out of the three trips we trashed a prop and one lower unit.
As far as bait we just took leeches and didn’t mess around with minnows. Always caught plenty of fish.
Make the trip to Kettle Falls and check out the bar. It’s unique and it feels good to walk around on land for a while. I’m sure I’ll remember more and can add it later.
It’s absolutely beautiful up there! You’ll have a great time!
