Matt Moen writes
“Nailed what? That he doesn’t believe in science. That saying “lots” of scientists don’t believe in climate change is a valid argument? It’s a patently false statement when it’s well documented over 97% of global climatologists can prove humans impact climate change. ”
If IDO is the dictionary definition of group think, the climate change agenda is group think’s echo chamber and megaphone.
Matt, Are you familiar with Australian John Cook, lead author of the 97% consensus meme? He’s a cartoonist without scientific training who scanned studies that pertained to global warming and determined, alone, in a most unscientific fashion, that 97% of scientists agree that man is responsible for climate change. This was in opposition to nearly half of those authors, claiming Cook doesn’t know what he’s talking about. So, some cartoonist, lacking a sound science background, presumes to know more about the topics studied than the scientists who spend years, if not decades studying and compiling the data? BUT HE’S THE SCIENTIST AND FINAL WORD ON CLIMATE CHANGE CONSENSUS? PULEEZE!
Don’t take my word for it. Look it up yourself. Google “John Cook” “climate” and “consensus”, and read about the man who would be climate king.
Like I mentioned in an earlier thread, for ever opinion on one side there is seemingly irrefutable evidence of the opposite on the other.
I’m happy to be the dissenting voice on IDO.
It’s cold out, the fishing thread are minimal, and now the political threads on IDO show up. It’s like clockwork every winter. Once P4 opens up we’ll all calm down.
Until then, I’m fine with a little healthy discourse. Unless someone calls me a citiot. Then it’s on.