House passes carbon-free energy requirement HF7

  • glenn57
    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    Interesting how this bill passed in the same week as mining for those same minerals needed to go carbon free was banned. I looked up the definition of stupid and saw a photo of the DFL caucus.

    rotflol rotflol woot waytogo

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2220

    From the article. “In addition to establishing the carbon-free standard by 2040, the bill would streamline the siting and routing process for solar energy generating systems, clarify in state law what qualifies as a renewable energy source, and specify under what circumstances the Public Utilities Commission can allow the modification or delay of new renewable, carbon-free or solar standards. Long said that this would provide some “off-ramps” if clean energy technologies prove too unreliable or expensive.”

    So first, expect to see a lot more solar and wind farms on the landscape soon. Which is super environmentally friendly. Then, what’s the over-under on how many of the “off ramps” will need to be taken to keep us from freezing our butts off once this jackassery is implemented.

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1044

    Not everyone will be asked to live with less. Redistribution of wealth benefits some.

    Those with a ton of money will feel no measurable impact on actual lifestyle.

    But does that make it the right thing to do?

    Posts: 3913

    Redistribution of wealth is nothing more than socialism period.
    I have no problem lending someone a hand as long as that person uses the hand up to better themselves.
    When it comes to them thinking they deserve a piece of my pie that I worked my ass off for they can crap and fall back in it.
    Everyone has the same chance in this country but you have to get off your lazy asses and earn it.

    Another problem with handing out other peoples money to the ” less fortunate ” is they breed more of the same.

    Handicapped people ARE NOT included in this opinion and I have seen where a lot of handicapped people do not want a hand out, they would rather be out doing what the rest of are doing and that is work.

    Carbon free??? carbon is one of the basic building blocks of life, eliminate it and you eliminate everything.
    And yes, I know they are talking about carbon emissions, but if it came from this earth and is used WISELY it will never hurt anything.
    In 1982 when Mt St Helens blew its top, scientists around the world said it put more pollution in the air in one hour than did the entire industrial revolution did, but they shut that up real quick.

    Let the flaming begin.

    South Metro
    Posts: 2102

    No Flaming here….
    Politics is out of control as are realities. The current administration will go down as Hippocrites who abused executive power. When the dust settles ( and it will) hopefully they haven’t torched the country.
    Things would be much different if the media covered things objectively.

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    nothing is carbon free. those e vehicles they keep pushing the carbon footprint is more then double then the carbon produced in the lifetime of a gas car. also the toxic waste produced. people are so darn stupid to understand all sounds good but it isn’t reality. most of the power grid is powered by natural gas, coal, and nuclear.

    Posts: 235

    All you need to do is look at the lifestyle of those who tell you how you should live yours. Al Gore is probably the best illustration of living hypocrisy there is. Walz is determined to turn Minnesota into California. I’ve long been a proponent of dividing the state in half. Draw a line at Hinckley or maybe even Pine City. Let us who live in the out state elect our own and govern for ourselves. Right now the Cities decides who governs the rest of us and honestly the metro is effed up.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    All you need to do is look at the lifestyle of those who tell you how you should live yours. Al Gore is probably the best illustration of living hypocrisy there is. Walz is determined to turn Minnesota into California. I’ve long been a proponent of dividing the state in half. Draw a line at Hinckley or maybe even Pine City. Let us who live in the out state elect our own and govern for ourselves. Right now the Cities decides who governs the rest of us and honestly the metro is effed up.

    mayhaps draw that line about clearwater!!!!! rotflol rotflol

    Posts: 235

    I’d be good with that if we can carve St. Cloud out of it. Duluth should be moved south as well!! toast

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    I don’t understand why so many are opposed to socialism. Maggie Thatcher her self is quoted as saying that “socialism works…………………………..until the socialsts run out of other people’s money.” Funny how you never see top level socialist leaders spending their own money. Hmmm, Don’t they believe in what they’re espousing?

    Posts: 235

    I don’t understand why so many are opposed to socialism. Maggie Thatcher her self is quoted as saying that “socialism works…………………………..until the socialsts run out of other people’s money.” Funny how you never see top level socialist leaders spending their own money. Hmmm, Don’t they believe in what they’re espousing?

    Maggie Thatcher? Ha! Ten out of ten high school kids wouldn’t even be able to tell you who she was. Can’t teach history in public schools anymore that could lead to critical thinking! Best just to pour more money to the teachers union in and get less out.

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    And some just can’t help themselves of being polticle ignorant. Always the others fault.
    Funny how some complain about sustainable energy cost then come to the rescue to the company that that digs for those resources. Must be a sign that says open on both sides with one side meaning closed when it fits.

    Posts: 932

    Get rid of lead tackle to save the loons and eagles so we can kill them with windmills. Then put up solar farms in fields where prairie chickens have had booming grounds. Makes sense to me.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Get rid of lead tackle to save the loons and eagles so we can kill them with windmills.

    The lead tackle bill has nothing to with eagles. Literally nothing. They are birds of prey and their population has never been higher. They do not ingest lead at the bottom of a lake like a loon does.

    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 6243

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>blackbay wrote:</div>
    Get rid of lead tackle to save the loons and eagles so we can kill them with windmills.

    The lead tackle bill has nothing to with eagles. Literally nothing. They are birds of prey and their population has never been higher. They do not ingest lead at the bottom of a lake like a loon does.

    You don’t know that. Technically an Eagle could eat a floating fish that had ingested a lead jig and die that way. doah

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    Or deer gutz with lead in it.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Or deer gutz with lead in it.

    Yes, but that would be lead fragments from a bullet that a hunter has taken, and then they pick at the carcass. Deer do not swim to the bottom of the lake to pick grit like loons do.

    There is nothing in that bill about banning lead ammo, so the eagle argument is irrelevant.

    That being said, they could obviously propose a bill to ban lead-based ammo on public land just like they tried to the last time they pushed this lead-based fishing tackle ban. Perhaps they are intending to do them in separate bills. The argument against eagles/lead ammo is that their population has never been higher. Whereas loon populations are not at all time highs.

    Posts: 2224

    Eagles are known to be impacted (get sick) by ingesting lead fragments in dead deer or even waterfowl carcasses – banning lead shot in the uplands and lead (expansion) bullets are likely on the to-do list too. Just not reaching the bill introduction list (quite yet ?).

    Tom schmitt
    Posts: 1044

    The eagle argument could be tied to the loon issue, as the increase in eagles is directly tied to the decrease in loons.
    Has no one noticed the correlation between the rise of eagles and wake boats and the fall of loons?

    Posts: 2224

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Brittman wrote:</div>
    Not everyone will be asked to live with less. Redistribution of wealth benefits some.

    Those with a ton of money will feel no measurable impact on actual lifestyle.

    But does that make it the right thing to do?


    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    wake boats and the fall of loons?

    New wake boat laws are being discussed at the round table. BK posted about it, and if I recall it requires a minimum of 1000 feet from any shoreline and at least 16 feet of water to operate a wake boat in surf mode.

    Posts: 2224

    Assume wake boats will carry an environmental penalty tax soon enough. wink

    Art Green
    Posts: 733

    Has anyone been to CA lately? I think its hilarious that many the road side car charging stations are powered by fossil fuel powered generators in a pit right behind them.

    duh queen
    Posts: 547

    This is a copy of a post on the lead jig ban thread:

    The X-ray used to justify this abomination of a bill is an acknowledged fraud. Notice that the leader’s snap is not through the eye of the hook. Also consider that a loon is a bird, and bird doesn’t have teeth. The break down their meals in a crop, located in the neck/throat region, not the guy. And we’re supposed to believe that all this tackle made it through the crop untouched?
    It’s time we started raising more than a little he’ll in St Paul.

    Posts: 2224

    California is an example of social agenda outpacing any realistic capabilities …

    The biggest issue is that California holds about 12% of the US population. Companies too often bow to California because they cannot “afford” to call them out and simply walk away.

    The pace at which retirees and remote workers are leaving California is amazing. What is disappointing is that often they bring their “blue” politics with them. Austin and Nashville are just two examples.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    With this legislature, everybody will be high, so they won’t notice there is no power.

    I look at it this way… they are shooting for the moon and hope to get to Des Moines… if they can get plastic straws banned, the whole world will be saved by the heros.

    Posts: 24606

    nothing is carbon free. those e vehicles they keep pushing the carbon footprint is more then double then the carbon produced in the lifetime of a gas car. also the toxic waste produced.

    Nailed it! Clean energy is dirtier than fossil fuels when all things are considered. Hydro is the cleanest energy followed by Nuclear which somewhat defies logic. Wind power is an utter failure. I love the Xcel energy commercial showing the wind farms with half of the windmills not even turning. Well done Xcel. Travel wherever there are huge wind farms and observe just how many are not working. Its typically like 25%.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12448

    I believe they also struck down an amendment to this bill that would allow for new nuclear development, so we still have a ban on the best energy option moving forward. And the feds also banned mining in Northern MN for the next 20 years outside the BWCA. So almost all the cobalt, copper, nickel and platinum needed for batteries, solar and wind power generation will come from outside the US.

    “Most lithium-ion battery packs for electric cars come from China, but governments all over the world are securing their own supply chains as the world rushes into the production of all-electric vehicles.

    Currently, the components that make up these batteries come from several specific countries. For instance, half of the world’s cobalt comes from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Nickel is found in Indonesia, Australia, and Brazil. Meanwhile, 75 percent of lithium is mined in South America, specifically in Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina.”

    Which I’m sure they also have a strict permitting process and are following the latest in Environmental protections like we do here….,South%20America%2C%20specifically%20in%20Chile%2C%20Bolivia%2C%20and%20Argentina.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    I don’t k now how it is possible but it looks like this is where the future for energy is.
    Pretty much a game changer. We are a ways off though.

    A major breakthrough has been announced by US scientists in the race to recreate nuclear fusion.

    Physicists have pursued the technology for decades as it promises a potential source of near-limitless clean energy.

    On Tuesday researchers confirmed they have overcome a major barrier – producing more energy from a fusion experiment than was put in.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    I saw that about nuclear fusion too on 60 minutes a couple weeks ago. Its limitless energy without any waste or pollution. The scientist on 60 minutes said it could be 20 years before we’re able to use it in every day society by powering the electrical grid though.

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