Hot Vent Tent Heater

  • FishBlood&RiverMud
    Posts: 6687

    Anyone try one of these?

    I do a fair amount of overnights in my hub house.
    Managing the Carbon Monoxide levels and good sleeping heat can be tricky. I presently use a sunflower heater; double sunflower when really cold. I error on the side of caution and keep the house colder and make sure there is a constant draft of air coming into the house to play it safe. Been close to a CO death once before.

    Anyway, this looks interesting. Keeps the Carbon Monoxide outside, and appears to be fairly portable to boot.

    Any experience?

    1. hot-vent-tent-heater.jpg

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    That is the only way to be safe. I would never sleep with any heater that did not vent. Too many people die senselessly because of CO poisoning.

    Looks like it would work well, the question is how much $$$?

    Posts: 6687

    I agree icenutz. Better safe than sorry.
    I haven’t researched it enough to find a price. Just kind of ran across it this morning and thought it is a novel idea.

    Posts: 6687

    It’s got a heck of a price tag!

    Retails for $219.95.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    Not cheap, but if you consider the alternative it is a bargin

    Posts: 1275

    If you have a stovepipe jack in your house(easy to have done…..not expensive) a nu-way stove is simple and reliable and available at fleet farm for a little over $100. They work well, if a stovepipe isn’t an issue.

    Vented heat is a must for sleeping, IMO.

    Posts: 2596

    Sunflowers give off a high level of co. I use a Mr heater big buddy as it is rated for enclosed spaces with ventilation. I would still be very cautious because even though it has a low oxygen shutdown feature, that to me is not enough. I also incorporate a battery operated co detector and provide both high and low ventilation. But even still, I would advise to look at heaters that exhaust to the outside.

    Posts: 2596

    i believe cabelas carries outline but i’ve only seen them in a hot water heater version.see if you can find that brand on Cabelas website even though its for a hot water heater you can still see the reviews to see if the quality is there overall.

    Posts: 6687

    Biggest concern would be wind blowing it out. I’m an ‘all weather kind of guy, just give me the time and i’ll be fishing, 40mph wind or whatever. I don’t care.

    Buddy heaters puss out with a draft
    SUnflower heaters can sit right out in the breeze.
    This hot vent thing; looks great, but only if the thing don’t need a wind break.

    Posts: 6687

    My next thought is how can i adapt this heater style to my sunflower. Create a box above the sunflower, some vent pipe, fan…

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