Hot Pepper Sauce

  • Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    I’ve been growing and freezing hot peppers of various denominations for a coupole years not and have maybe 12-15 packages of vacuum sealed goodies. The neighbor up the street, asian, donated a few of his hot peppers so it’s a pretty diverse blend of hot.

    I hit a Savers this morning looking for a large pot to cook these suckers in thinking it’ll likely be a single use type of utensil. So now I’m set to thaw these suckers out and get the three burner remote stove hooked up to the propane so I can simmer these guys out in the garage…. with a fan blowing the fumes outside.

    My plan is to simmer them in white vinegar for three or four hours, then I’ll run them thru the Oster blender [ $5.00 garage sale unit just for cooking and processing hot peppers] and then thru a colander to remove the bulk of the skins and seeds. Then the sauce will go thru a sieve to catch any remaining rough stuff. I’ll add any more white vinegar needed and salt to taste, then simmer to the desired consistency. I’m hoping for a couple 8 ounce jelly jars of hot sauce.

    Breakfast eggs and hashbrowns always get a good dose of tabasco so I hope this is about the same if not a bit hotter.

    I’ll post pics of the finished product which I hope to do next Friday while Ma is away.

    Anyone else make their own hot sauce? What’s your recipe?

    Ryan Scholl
    Posts: 148

    I make a lot of vinegar based sauces. you can really play around with the ingredient, which is fun. When I’ve done it, i blend everything with the vinegar then simmer for 20-30 minutes. toss it in the blender and then you can strain it out. I found that if i strain it, it will seperate. Best solution i found to avoid it is to just add a little xanthan gum. It thickens the sauce a small bit and keeps it from separating.

    Lately I have been playing around with fermenting. I use a 2.5% salt to fresh ingredients by weight ratio. toss the peppers and anything else into a vacuum sealer bag with extra space for the gases it will create, add your salt, seal it up, and wait for 2 weeks. then blend it.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    Thanks Ryan. The ferment might be next year’s project.

    I have one pepper plant that was supposed to be mildly hot round pepper, but these suckers are a deep orange to red and somewhat wrinkled. The plant has gone crazy and covers a circle about 3″ in diameter, full of flowers yet and covered with the peppers. I picked a handful for the grandson, but he hasn’t gotten back on the heat yet, however I did wipe a drop of sweat off my nose a couple hours later and found out that was not the thing to have done.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6158

    thinking it’ll likely be a single use type of utensil.

    Just soak/wash in hot soapy water. No worries on anything spicy being left over. And yes for sure cook the peppers outside. waytogo


    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6158

    these suckers are a deep orange to red and somewhat wrinkled.

    Sounds like Habaneros or Caolina Reapers. These pair up well with Pineapple and knocks the heat down a bit. Good Luck!


    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    Here’s a picture of them next to a penny to show size. I think they are larger than the habenjero or the reapers. I had gloves on just to pick these for a picture.

    1. IMG_1445-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 4483

    Looks like habanero to me. Aint a reaper it dont have a tail.

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    Looks like red habanero to me. Reapers are bumpy and wrinkly. They look really nice. I bet they’d make some excellent hot sauce. x2 on the pineapple. Mango is a good choice too.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    The garden stake that was in the pot when I bought it called it a semi-sweet ball pepper. I thought it would be a good one to slice up and pickle to use as a side condiment. lol

    I have a ton of Frontenac grapes ripening and plan to put them out on the curb as give-aways. Maybe the peppers can go out there too. Anything I put on the curb is gone in 45 minutes tops.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13073

    Jimmy where do you get your plants and/or seeds from?????

    about a week ago the #4 had a piece on the news that there seems to be a fair amount of mislabeled seeds and plants this year. it wasnt determined if it was the greenhouses that start the plants or mislabeling from the seed companies.

    this they said there are only 4 major seed companies out there!

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    I get my best veggie plants at a local greenhouse. Maybe cost a bit more but in the end it’s worth it. I got these pepper plants at another place and guess I need to forget about shopping there.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19017

    My habs are beautiful this year. Normally they have a lot of rot but not now.
    I cant keep up with them. I threw one each in several quarts of pickled banana peppers yesterday. Im going to dry what I can and grind soon. Ill put it in a shaker and use all winter.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3299

    My habs are beautiful this year. Normally they have a lot of rot but not now.
    I cant keep up with them. I threw one each in several quarts of pickled banana peppers yesterday. Im going to dry what I can and grind soon. Ill put it in a shaker and use all winter.

    There’s an idea. Thanks.

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